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As Katie falls into the throws of addiction, she discovers the cost of her diet is more than just torn clothes! 

Written and Illustrated by myself

Edited by the marvelous Firefox 

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 Day 31

The office had been abuzz with rumours for weeks. Katie tried her best to ignore them. She kept her head down, cheeks painted red as each of the latest rumours as to how she had gotten so big, so fast, circulated among the cubicles. At first there had been some assumption that she was pregnant, the word ‘quadruplets’ could be heard every now and then coming from the break room. But as the days turned to weeks, the concerned voices were drowned out by the amused. The snickers, the sneers

“How could anyone let this happen to themselves?”

“What on earth is she eating that would cause so much weight?” 

“Oh my god what an absolute pig, she must do nothing but eat!” 

Try as she might to bury her head in her work and ignore the snickers behind her back, she could not ignore what was happening to her body. As she waddled out of a bathroom stall, Katie caught eye of herself in the mirror. Even with her new wardrobe, her business clothes had suffered. Her formal looking white shirt was straining across her massive gut, fur bulging where the buttons could no longer keep the fabric together. A once stylish black jacket was struggling to contain her arms, the pillowy blubber showing through the stretched-tight cloth. Her skirt was no better, and as she turned to see the damage her hips had done she heard a slight tearing sound as the seams along its side gave out, showing off a patch of brownish-orange fur.

Her cheeks instantly flushed. 

She had just bought that, this week.

Not wanting to be seen sporting holes in her new attire, Katie rushed quickly back to her cubicle. As fast as she could, at least, without doing further damage to her clothing. It ended up in a rushed little waddle and even that little exertion left her huffing and panting. She knew she didn’t escape the attention of her colleagues either, her keen ears picking up the words ‘did you see that?!’ followed by a couple of giggles. 

Katie didn’t care. She was back at her desk. She rushed to put her headphones back on and groped for another of the many donuts she had brought to work. They were her escape. She might be the office spectacle, but at least she had something to show for it. Delicious, doughy, jam filled treats that cleared every bit of humiliation and anxiety from her mind with each bite. 

Of course, her plans to diet had not exactly gone well.

But certainly she could not be blamed. Work was stressful and the donuts were free. If she practiced a little moderation she was sure she could get back in shape. She could lose the weight that she had put on during her more reckless days and at least get back to where she had started. Surely. 

One donut quickly became two, became five, became ten. She snacked relentlessly in between calls which, thankfully, were sparse. Anything to distract herself from the constant feeling that eyes were on her. Had she been keeping track, as she reached for one treat after another, she might have been able to admit to herself that she was eating a little more than usual. Usually she tried to pace herself but today she was having trouble. She just couldn’t stop. If one wasn’t enough, fifteen surely wouldn’t be. But it was around fifteen that she got into a bit of trouble. This new caloric load on top of her already gluttonous breakfast and lunch had strained her doughy stomach out until the folds slowly disappeared, her gut pushing out inch by inch until-


Katie blinked.

Ping, plink, ping

She felt it before she realised what was going on. The sudden lack of pressure on her work shirt. No longer feeling like she was wrapped in sausage skin around the middle. She looked down, crumbs and glazing falling onto her now exposed gut and bra. Her cheeks once again turned crimson as she gulped the last of the donut down, reflexively licking her fingers clear of glazing.

Although she fervently hoped that nobody noticed this latest depth to which she had sunk, the office had instantly become ablaze with whispers and giggles. A startled, “Is there a button in my coffee?!” rang out across the room and more than one person burst out into laughter. Katie wasn’t sure she had ever been more humiliated in her life. Not until another voice rang out across the room.

“Katie. A word. My office. Now.” 

Katie sunk into her chair. Her boss wanted to see her.


It was inevitable that she would be fired, Katie reflected. Between the tearing clothes and the snacking during calls, she hadn’t been a model employee. Not to mention, she was often late, and sounded out of breath when talking to clients. Maybe there was a time when she could have hoped to avoid it, but that time was past now.

She had spent the night working out her finances. Thanks to the free donuts she had saved a lot of money on what would have been spent on other foodstuffs. And better yet, Sifton Inc had let her know that more donuts could be ordered prematurely, meaning she could more or less survive off of the things. So, she was pretty certain that she had a few months to get another job. Something a little less intensive. Something she could handle with her new figure.

And so, once more Katie found herself standing in front of her bathroom mirror, a donut in one hand, her belly in the other. There were times when she could not believe the transformation that had occurred. The sheer amount of weight that she had gained in only a month. Other times, with the evidence staring her in the face, she could not help but feel the gravity of it. The constant weight of her fluffy stomach, pulling her down towards the floor. Defying her, every time she tried to get up. The heft of it reduced her walk to a slow waddle and even that left her huffing and panting at even the slightest exertion. 

She could no longer weigh herself, her tiny bathroom scale was not equipped to deal with people of her girth, but she imagined she must weigh now more than double what she used to. More than double. A whole other person’s worth of blubber had accumulated on her body and she could hardly believe it. From her chubby cheeks and double chin to her monumental boulder of a gut, and couch consuming asscheeks. 

There were times when she could deny what had happened to her. But this wasn’t one of them. She was fat. She was fat because she kept binging on those delicious, doughy donuts.

And she wanted more.





Poor girl, she just put on a few pounds and now became the laughing stock of the office.