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The journey under way, Garth seeks some refuge in the food stocked cargo bay of their mysterious pilot's ship. He finds a little something more than just food.

Written by the wonderful Rabidbadger writing, illustrated by me!  


Garth - Nackvixen 

Veronicas - Veronacus 

Temperance - Paris  

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Garth took a step back, wincing a bit as he felt something brush his ass and clatter to the ground behind him. The space he was in was cramped to say the least, but it kind of had to be. Their ship’s storage bays were outright packed with food, and a lot of it was more expensive than the stuff he usually had access to – what’s more, he was being encouraged to just dig in if he wanted. That was so fortuitous he was suspicious of it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a completely perfect situation either. Some of the best things, it turned out, were way in the back. They rested nestled back there, beyond narrow corridors of stacked crates and shelving, with Garth’s ass having taken a sharp turn for the wider in the last few days.

That was what had led to the toppled over box behind him. While the chocolate furred bunny was used to handling a bit of extra weight, his body was just outright wider than he was used to. He’d hip checked and rump bumped doors, tables, and walls for the last few days now as he felt the near constant tingling of the Vice Regent’s repasts entering his digestive system and had made no real effort to stem his own indulgences. If he was going to end up a beached heap of bunny, he planned to enjoy the ride.

At the moment, though, he wasn’t – the high-end chocolates with the dubiously legal and probably addicted flavor enhancers were way on the other end of the bay, and Garth suspected that might be intentional. Frustrated, the bunny took another shot at working his way through. The only result of which was to find himself wedged gut to ass between two sets of shelving which he knew he’d send toppling over if he tried to force himself through them. Not the most inconspicuous of outcomes, and Garth was trying not to attract too much attention. Though that, it seemed, was failing as well.

“Something I can get you, dear?”

Garth froze briefly, glancing to and fro for the source, but whoever it was, was standing in his blind spot at the moment. Granted, there were only so many people it could be. He’d heard the Vice Regent, his owner, talk enough to know it wasn’t her, and he had doubts that it was his fellow walking food dump given the playful and teasing tone of it. That one had seemed far too serious so far to do anything like this. Which only really left the pilot.

“Uh, I mean…”

Without any further discussion Garth felt two hands curl around the bulk of his butt and give it a sharp squeeze. It was clearly something the person enjoyed, and at the same time it helped him back out of the problem he’d gotten himself into. Though that didn’t prove to be a total escape from the awkwardness that had befallen him, as Garth ended up stepping on something – very possibly the canister he’d knocked over with his butt just moments ago – and crashing down hard to the deck floor. 

The impact wasn’t that bad, it knocked a little wind out of Garth, but it left him in a similarly precarious situation to the one he’d just escaped. There wasn’t a whole lot of room here, and now his broad bottom was sprawled out between rows of crates and boxes. Though he did have the canister wedged under his thigh – which turned out to be whipped dessert topping. That earned it being instantly palmed by the bunny, held up to mouth and pressed. It might not be what he came in here for, but Garth subscribed to ‘love the one you’re with’ as much as he could with food.

It wasn’t until Garth had an entire face full of the stuff that he recalled he’d been asked a question. Eyes popping open a bit, Garth felt the barest hint of a blush as he turned his head, cheeks stuffed full of sweet, creamy foam. He did at least swallow before he spoke to the smirking visage of the vixen with her crossed arms, wrapped head to toe in a form-fitting flight suit that even obscured her neck, and had visible fastenings for a helmet around the collar. It had to be a custom job, though – the ebon and red tones and some of the stylized pressure dispersal patterns were far too intricate for an off the shelf piece of equipment. Garth was left wondering, for a moment, just how well off their pilot was.

“I ah, I was trying to get to the Helvetican cordials back there.”

The vixen’s lip curled a bit higher as she looked to the deceptively inconspicuous box at the far end of the packed cargo bay. The fact that the bunny had even picked out the labeling without getting over there physically was kind of impressive, she thought. Dawn turned her eyes back to Garth, who was already refilling his puffy cheeks with a fresh bounty of whipped cream and offered him a hand.

“Tell you what. I’ve been a bit lonely at the helm the last week – why don’t you come keep me company? I have a few treats up there I keep just for myself.”

Garth did not fail to notice that Dawn had brushed a foot against his thigh while she said that and had held eye contact the entire time. Once more he glanced around, as if someone else was going to be around to notice this, though as he swallowed another mouthful (still leaving a clear ring of white around his lips and cheeks) Garth still reached out to take the vixen’s hand. 

“…I think I could go for being treated – it’s not so bad doing it to oneself and all, but-”

Feeling himself yanked up from the floor with shocking ease, Garth was wide-eyed by the time he was upright, almost teetering forward to fall again until he was caught by the vixen’s free hand planting itself in the center of his belly an steadying him. That had seemed downright effortless on Dawn’s part and left him with a couple of new questions to consider. 

Questions that could probably wait until after he’d gotten a look at what kind of unique indulgences their grinning host was offering.

“But everything’s nicer if you have someone to share it with, right?”

Curling his own lips a bit, Garth bent down just enough to retrieve the whipped cream before he let Dawn tug him out of the storage bay.

“As long as there’s enough to go around.”

The vixen’s eyes glinted a bit as the light caught them, scarlet reflections in the backs of her pupils.

“Don’t worry bun-buns, I can make sure everything you want is waiting at your fingertips from now on.”

As statements went, it was a bit on the ominous side – sure. The kind of thing one was usually wise to question and examine closely. Garth might just do those things, too. But he wasn’t going to let the answers to the questions get in the way of enjoying himself either. He matched Dawn’s grin this time, falling in behind her and trying not to ram his hips into the walls again as he walked.

“Sounds good to me, ma’am. Lead on.”



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