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Our protagonist's fate hung in the balance! Between the pirate and the latex creature, all she could do was cross her fingers and hope for a positive outcome. Has Markus found the end he wanted? Or did he find the ending he deserved? Read on, to find out

Based on the results of this poll:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/26397084 

Written by RabidBadger illustrated by me!

Cameo position by Lunoe of his drunken pirate-for-today girl Skye

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  It wasn’t a bang the fight ended with, but a splash. A loud one, the latex beast thing was hefty to say the least but the wolf with the spear found an opening, got her weapon in under the beast’s knee and took its balance away. There was a tearing sound, a sharp electric crackle, and a sound like a roar filtered through rubber sound proofing that the possum felt in her bones more than her ears. It was profoundly uncomfortable to be near to, and for a moment the possum’s fears persisted as she expected the thing to float just like she had – which would probably give it easy access to her.

That didn’t end up being the case. There was a deep ‘blorp’ sound as the beast hit the water and sank. It did not surface but plummeted to the bottom of the artificial pond. The possum could just about make it out thrashing about at the bottom, leaping – or trying to – failing to get very far with that or with attempts at swimming. Then, finally, just pacing around the bottom like the frustrated predator it was. 

Relief had been in short supply of late, and the possum seized upon the chance to just lay flat and breathe easy. Though the moment she did it finally crept up on her that there was more than one problem remaining, there were still gently pulsing injectors in her ass. Ones she couldn’t hope to reach. Ones she needed the wolf’s help to get free. Luckily, her rescuer was walking (stumbling really) up, using her spear as a walking stick and looking a bit more sober for the whole experience.

Markus wasn’t sure how much it mattered anymore, but he did get the possum to gesturing back at her calamitous behind with each of her mismatched hands. The wolf sluggishly looked at it, then back at the possum, then back at the quaking, swelling rump.

Blinking slowly, the possum stared up at the wolf – who failed to make eye contact back. She just stood there, grinning a bit, giggling once or twice, squirming around her hips. Until the possum smacked the floor and began gesturing again. That got the wolf’s attention, specifically it got her to squint down at the possum and use the butt of her spear to prod the woman in the edge of one butt cheek, setting the whole of her body gently swaying side to side. 

“You just be patient, butt… tits. Shit, that wasn’t very witty. Well, whatever. I…”

The wolf trailed off, still leering a bit, giggling again, before realizing she’d done so and finally looking back at the possum once more.

“I’ll pull those out when I’m good and ready after that tussle. Then I’ll hit the game end button and we can wrap up.”

Markus mentally ‘sat back’ at that, this was the wrap-up. The victory screen, sort of anyway. He watched as, bit by bit, the halves of the possum’s butt continued to swell. They were ridiculously proportioned at this point, liable to attract small objects into orbit if she was ever in zero gravity. 

Well done! I mean, it wasn’t exactly much of a profit in the end, and there may be some fees to settle. Still, considering how badly off you started this is quite an accomplishment!

Wincing a bit, Markus would’ve said something or covered his ears given how loud that voice in his perceptions was if he could, but outside of seeing the game he still couldn’t sense anything. Worse yet, even the game was losing resolution, growing distant and fuzzy.

Don’t worry, when you wake up, you’ll be free to go with whatever means you have available.


Markus was really just glad to wake up at all. It had not been comfortable, directing the actions of someone else while he had no idea what state he was in. Ideally, he was just in some sensory deprivation tank, and he’d be coming to either inside of it or in a bed nearby or… something. Anything that wasn’t waking as a head in a jar or some other nightmare. So, finding things feeling heavy and sluggish wasn’t that bad, Markus decided. 

When Markus’ eyes worked their way open, they were relieved to find what looked like a nice, cozy room around them rather than some kind of lab or hospital bed. It was a simple thing, shelves with old bottles and pictures on them, posters for old action movies on the walls, a large vid-screen dominating one of the far walls. Markus felt comfortable, more or less, albeit still very disoriented.

“Heeey, look who’s up!”

Markus’ focus returned immediately. He recognized the wolf guard’s voice, and he sure as hell recognized her body as the amazonian woman half stumbled into view, gourd in hand and entirely naked. It laid the foundation for a moment of profound confusion, but it was when Markus tried to stand up that it bore fruit. The attempt failed outright. All it did was cause Markus to feel a lurching, sloshing wobble. When that wobble led to feeling things out a bit more fully, Markus finally looked down.

All around, Markus saw nothing but flesh. Specifically, Markus saw a bit of a curved belly, saw that the hands grabbing at all that oversensitive flesh had an odd mismatch to them – one coated in ebon latex and the other looking like tree roots – and they were practically vanishing into the ocean of soft, yielding flesh all around. It was like being on one of those bed-sized beanbag chairs in dodgy drug dens, only the thing was part of him – her – body, and weighed more than she could ever hope to move on her own, even if she’d had the luxury of her feet touching the floor. They didn’t, the sheer girth of her thighs and calves kept them elevated, left her gently swaying and undulating instead of moving while the wolf plastered over her chest in a sloppy hug that smelled of wine.

“Good to see ya again! Didn’t get’cher name. Got yer butt, though.”

Markus tried to gather enough focus to say something, only to feel a sharp buzz around his – the possum’s – her neck. One that left her eyes rolling back a bit as she heard something familiar.

Behave yourself, Marcy. She took care of the repair fees for you and selflessly offered to give you a place to stay while you recuperate. Of course, technically this means you owe her now. But I imagine you two can come to some kind of arrangement.

The buzzing stopped, Markus (Marcy) shivered a bit and opened her mouth, then winced again as a musty belch bellowed up from her taught, balloon-like stomach. 

“Wh-hwurph-at… ooph, my voice is-”

Another giggle worked out of the wolf, who then curled her arms around Marcy’s body and squeezed, which coaxed another little outburst up out of her throat.

“Hee. Your other end is even noisier sometimes. Don’t you worry none, though. M’kay?”

While she wasn’t entirely sure why, Marcy (no, it’s Markus – no it isn’t, Marcy) found that embrace comforting. She felt a warmth bubbling up in her chest, and something else deeper – nestled in that cavernous depth between her thighs – when she wiggled a bit again and drove home once more that she had zero prayer of getting onto her feet like this. 

“I’m… huge. I – can you, uh, I mean… can I stay here until I can afford to fix this?”

This time the wolf burst out laughing for just a moment, before leaning back in a wide, sloppy, predatory grin and reaching down to stick her finger right into Marcy’s navel, pressing and wiggling it.

“Ain’t getting rid of none of this, sweetness. That mix that went into your butt is kiiiinda permanent. So.”

Leaning in, the wolf rested her forehead against Marcy’s, who was still trying to process what she’d just heard. Permanent. She was in this body that wasn’t her own, and it was beached by its own disastrous hindquarters. Able to sit there and wobble a bit and… what else? 

“You could let people ride you – sensory riding that is; or fuck your big jiggly self I guess if they’re big enough. Maybe put together enough for some cargo moving plates to glue to your butt. Or you can stay here with me! Least for a bit, maybe?”

You didn’t really think we’d let you ruin that body for your own profit with no consequences, did you? 

Marcy wiggled a bit, hesitating, looking around her surroundings. Drunk or not, the wolf was right – the voice was right – this body was useless to doing… well, much of anything. Except possibly catering to the occasional ‘special interest’ of people with esoteric tastes and too much money. 

The offer didn’t sound bad, in light of that. Stay with this woman who’d helped her, more or less, and just… figure things out.

Deciding whether or not she could live with whoring out her new self to get by from now on could wait. Marcy suspected that, at some point, in some capacity, she’d give in on that front – she’d whored this body out plenty during the game, but for now? For now the possum curled her arms around the wolf, too, and nestled her face against the chest of the wine-smelling canine who had saved her. Kind of. 

“…I uh, I think I’ll stay. You got anything to drink?”

Once more, the wolf grinned.

“You gotta ask?”



Athan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:47:09 Oof, DAT BUTT! Love how it turned out <3 Awesome work; CYOA was a really good aspect and it was fun as heck ^^
2019-06-06 15:09:40 Oof, DAT BUTT! Love how it turned out <3 Awesome work; CYOA was a really good aspect and it was fun as heck ^^

Oof, DAT BUTT! Love how it turned out <3 Awesome work; CYOA was a really good aspect and it was fun as heck ^^


Eeeeee! Thank you :3 And thank you for commenting and voting!


You bet! Loved the writing, the draws we're awesome; just amazing work all around. Looking forward to what you've got going on/planned for the future ^^

Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:47:09 Eeee! As Rabidbadger said thank YOU for the commenting and voting! Y'all helped drive the story I'm so glad you enjoyed how it turned out &lt;3
2019-06-10 12:49:01 Eeee! As Rabidbadger said thank YOU for the commenting and voting! Y'all helped drive the story I'm so glad you enjoyed how it turned out <3

Eeee! As Rabidbadger said thank YOU for the commenting and voting! Y'all helped drive the story I'm so glad you enjoyed how it turned out <3