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Gods... I’ve lost track of time I’ve... lost track of everything. The store has been closed ever since I grew too big to fit behind the counter. Was that weeks ago, or days? I sent my familiar to summon my friend Genevieve, she’s been in worse binds than this, she’ll know what to do. Have I gone too far? Or is this just the beginning? 

My thoughts are interrupted by the constant squirming and movement of my womb’s occupants. From the sheer size I would guess I carry more than one being within me but... I cannot be sure. Nor do I know how big I will grow, or how much longer I will stretch. I wait for the throws of a labour that will no doubt make for an interesting night but so far... they do not come. So for now I lie down and wait, body wracked by the constant bliss of my expansion and the sensations that accompany it. When she arrives, I suspect Genevieve will find me quite a mess, but perhaps she will be able to assist with even that. Perhaps she could help share in this feeling... 



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