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As our possum makes her choice, she becomes familiar with the weight of consequences! What will happen next, in our journey?

Continuing Markus' adventures, below you will see what our heroic possum avatar sees as the game goes on, and from there all of you get to chime in with input. Ask questions, suggest what Markus should have her do next, etc - we will respond to your comments and integrate them into the next post. By all means, feel free to go wild with the ideas!

Written by RabidBadger illustrated by me!

Cameo position by Lunoe of his drunken pirate-for-today girl Skye

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[ I say wait right where we are; we did have a deal, after all. Plus it might be a decent idea to wait to see what that commotion is... ] - Athan, Qwerty

The possum let out a quiet little squeak as she saw what tumbled from the creaking, splintering wooden tunnel she’d emerged from. There was a gray cloud that tumbled loose first, one that smelled a little musty and kind of familiar – one that left her belly churning slightly and feeling queerly tight. It left the wolf coughing a bit, but more importantly it left their ‘guest’ obscured for a few crucial seconds. Long enough that it had risen to its full height before either of them could tell for sure if it was a threat.

It didn’t take long to make that decision when the thing was in clearer view. Something ebon rose up out of the gray mist, something large. Markus saw, through the possum, slick muscle that gleamed in the artificial lighting. Runner’s physique in gleaming black, the same feline form that had been lying in wait for the possum before the incident with the rhino and that aphrodisiac weapon she was carrying, now covered head to toe in what looked like the same stuff that was on the possum’s hand. The first hand, that was. Given that the other one now looked like a fleshy bunch of roots they were both plenty weird at the moment.

While standing up made enough noise under the circumstances, the feline didn’t speak. In fact her face seemed to be sealed shut by the coating around her, her eyes featureless spans of black, her body gently heaving as she stood – hunched – with a clear reason for it as the creature stepped out of the mist it had created. Its belly was enormous, bloated and sloshing about, cupped at by one of its hands which left a little sticking, merging look around the edges that caused some difficulty saying where the hand ended and the swollen, wobbling belly began.

The wolf clearly saw this as a threat, with Markus watching the guardian carefully ease around the possum and take up a spot between her and the transformed cat, holding her spear out in a warning stance.

“EY! You stay right there you stupid freakin… bulb kitty thing. This is my butt to enjoy!”

There was a jolt that ran through the possum at that, a sudden smack of a hand to her ass that gripped and shook at it but was careful not to dislodge the needles. Needles still doing their dark work upon her butt, the possum’s hands shot to it as much to stop the wobbling as to just take stock of the damage – maybe to be on hand in case the decision to remove them came.

Which it didn’t.

Markus had made no such decision, though he could sense the avatar showing signs of anxiety. He, on the other hand, was sensing the still thoroughly encouraging stream of donations to his debt pool while the wolf began to sway threateningly, her tits and spear both waving back and forth while the latex lined cat approached.

The possum fidgeted, adjusting herself as she felt her center of balance migrating on her. There was an ongoing war for it as her belly swelled, pressing against her thighs while she hunched down a bit, pushing up against her chest, but the extra mass entering her backside was notably heavier. Loose, dense, creeping out in every direction and leaving Markus with hard decisions to make and a difficult time concentrating as he, too, kept finding himself staring at the gradual blooming of the woman’s rump and the steady decline of his debt that seemed to be keeping pace with it.

It didn’t take long before the growth outstripped the possum’s ability to keep either half of her butt in her hands, the extra mass was spreading a bit wider as it packed itself in more densely and started to overflow into the hips and thighs. There was nothing slender about the possum anymore at this point, her figure resembled that of a deep space cargo pilot who had let themselves go badly enough that some of the latex around her swelling belly was going thin enough to see through. Yet still, no command for her to move came through from Markus.

There was an art to this, he knew. Pushing one’s luck and cashing in at the right moment. The problem was, Markus wasn’t a master of that art. Screwing it up was how he ended up in this situation to begin with and staring at a nice plump ass might have been part of the problem then, too.

A loud noise dragged his attention away from his avatar’s constantly swelling rump, a nasty cracking sound and a horrible gurgling. Just a few feet away, down the stone pathway through the water, the wolf was backpedaling from a bubbling wad of something black in the midst of the stones. The vaguely feline looking creature, bloated and black, was clutching its swollen middle and had its maw held open – kind of. From what could be seen there wasn’t actually any opening there, just a stretched patch of the latex that was seething and bubbling ominously.

Metal scraping on stone filled the space around them next as the cloudy gray air behind the cat-thing began slowly clearing, showing the trail of messy ebon footprints it had left behind. The wolf had swept the bulb of launched goo into the water with the sparking end of her spear and was advancing to give herself a bit more breathing room before she would literally back right into the possum.

“You jush sit tight cutie… poot. Thish’ll be quick’n dirty ‘n… quickie. Then you can go through the door.”

The distance between the latex cat-beast with the swollen belly and the wolf closed steadily as each one sized the other up, the little glob of stuff congealing quickly into a tight ball as it floated away in the water. Markus was left glancing behind the possum at the still sealed door, and at something glinting on the backside of the wolf’s outfit. A shard of some flat crystalline substance that might just fit into a recess in the center of the doorway.


Possum Status: Horny, Bloated, Badonk
Status Effects: Involuntary Glove, Yoga Ball Middle, Root Fingers, Assplosion
Inventory: Tall Boots (Stylish – Special Features?) One Piece (Latex – Spiky Back - Stretched)
Weapons: Fluffy Poof Hurler, Skull Crushing Thighs
You See: Drunk Wolf Butt, Probably a Key, Horrible Goo Cat, Opportunity
Exits: West (An Actual Door), South-Ish (Bad Plants), East (A Swim, A Large Pool, Flowers)
Debt Remaining: 236,784 Credits




Ooo~, thas a nice butt <3 Would... Would it be a bad idea to... To wait for MORE butt, maybe? Yes; we should wait for more butt... Until/unless a nice opportunity to use them skull crushin' thighs presents itself <3 Ooo~ Wait for wolf butt to save us from the goo cat; then reward her with XXL trash-panda butt and skull-crushin thighs...


Something tells me you don't plan on moving from that pad any time soon >:3


That's true! There's a lot of room to maneuver - if she can even walk properly with badonkadonks that big~