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As our possum makes her choice, she becomes familiar with the weight of consequences! What will happen next, in our journey?

Continuing Markus' adventures, below you will see what our heroic possum avatar sees as the game goes on, and from there all of you get to chime in with input. Ask questions, suggest what Markus should have her do next, etc - we will respond to your comments and integrate them into the next post. By all means, feel free to go wild with the ideas!

Written by RabidBadger illustrated by me!

Cameo position by Lunoe of his drunken pirate-for-today girl Skye

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[ Take the route with the wolf. Drunk people are inevitably good entertainment and you could use a hand right now anyway. ] - Travis, Athan

It didn’t take much prodding, just one more quick one to the nose, to make Markus’ answer clear to the wolf. There was some urgency to the issue, so it seemed best to be clear. The blue-furred wolf was grinning by then though, swatting the possum’s hand away and shifting where she stood. 

The motion that followed was a graceful, fluid thing – possibly assisted by the obvious state of inebriation in their rescuer. A glinting electric spear lowered and leveled, then thrust with a surprising amount of accuracy (under the circumstances anyway) into the base of the bulb holding the possum’s hand. There was still a bit of a jolt that ran through her over it, but it served to help jar her loose of the thing and get her out of range of the larger bulb. She hoped. The possum tumbled away from it as quickly as she could coax herself into, which didn’t leave a lot of room for grace or balance. In fact, it ended with her stumbling and coming up face down in a patch of thick grass. Face down, ass up.

For a moment, the possum seemed content to stay right there. The grass was nice and comfy and not trying to eat her. Then came the sharp smack across her ass and the sight of a set of blue legs with the glint of gold circuitry walking past and taking a turn toward the water.

“C’mon then! Don’t make me tickle your butthole with this thing – we hadda deal.”

A deal. One made under duress, but Markus had to wonder how much of a problem that actually was. Whatever would happen here would probably help him either way – letting the plant do its dirty work was a lot less of a sure thing. He had the possum push up and rise, climbing to her feet, or trying to. Something got in the way of that, just a little. A tugging around her hand, the one without the latex covering. It wasn’t that strong of a tugging, but it was enough to make her exert some effort fighting it off and caused just a little pain from the sound of it.

The cause was obvious enough once she looked. Her hand was a blackish brown, but it wasn’t that it was covered in anything, nor was it precisely wounded. The coloring wasn’t a burn, it wasn’t something stuck on her hand, it was her hand. Dark and bumpy and covered in tiny little strands – little roots. It still worked, she was able to move it, clench it, feel it as she prodded it with the latex-coated one. 

“Ey! C’mon ssch-short stuff!”

Startling a bit, Markus slid into first-person with the possum and got her moving. The walkway out over the water was narrow and he didn’t want to risk slipping, which was a bit easier when he could focus on just keeping his view centered and let the body do the rest. It was at the larger, circular point halfway over the water that the wolf stopped them, mostly by standing in the way and leaning heavily on her spear.

“Yup! Right there.”

Markus felt a little confused – the platform was just a stone circle, featureless. A quick glance confirmed that even, before he guided the possum’s eyes back to the wolf – though they kept trying to go back to her hands. At least at first. Once Markus found himself watching the pendulum-like sway of the canine’s comfy-looking melon-sized tits the resistance ebbed considerably. That, he guessed, had to be on purpose – but he didn’t mind. The possum, meanwhile, kept rubbing her hands against each other, running the unnaturally smooth and artificial over the unnaturally rough and organic. The contrast of it was downright alien, and Markus was keen to ignore it.

The tits at least were more than a little mesmerizing – left and right, heavy and full – occasionally taking a longer sway while the wolf worked a quick drink from the gourd on her spear into the mix. Part of Markus wanted to reach out and grab one, but the wolf was just out of reach – he was almost wondering if that was the point. Making him and the possum stare at this and seeing if they got grabby, gave her an excuse to do something more-

A slow blink followed as Markus shifted his perception abruptly out of the possum. The donation counter only directly pinged for large enough amounts, and he’d heard three just then, which was two more than he’d gotten all run so far. As soon as he saw the number Markus knew something was… wrong? The idea was a bit odd, actually. That number shrinking was the entire point after all, but it was going down awful fast. Markus eased his view into a close overhead, and the answer made itself abundantly clear.

There were two little tubes extending up from the stone platform, running from the ground at its base up into the meat of the possum’s ass, a whole lot of the possum’s ass. There was at least twice as much of it as there had been before, though no pain or any other sensation had registered that he was aware of. A quick check at the stream’s back view showed a little more, showed them snaking up from the ground as the wolf did her little boob-sway and spraying something on the possum’s rear, then jabbing themselves in and flexing gently as something moved through them.

Something that was still causing the possum to steadily swell at a regular pace, which explained why he noticed, as he finally looked, that the wolf was leering at the possum just as much as the other way around. Markus dove back into the possum’s senses.

When the possum looked down the reaction was instant, both hands came down and grabbed at her thighs, one abnormally smooth and the other abnormally rough, but both of them perfectly able to feel the pillowy masses they’d clutched. There was a numb point still, right back behind where the tubes were in, but everything else was clear as day. Even that little bit of motion set her butt wobbling and jostling about. Something that left the possum breathing heavily as her fingers clenched harder, grabbing comfortable handfuls of herself that she could feel rising and filling in between her spread fingers.

“Schtop that – err… be gentle, anyway. Don’ wanna knock’em looshe. Looooshe. Heh.”

A quick prodding came around, not with the business end of the spear but with the butt of it, jabbing against her stomach and leaving the possum shuddering as a knot of pressure worked itself up her chest and out in a fierce hwvouurphht that left her light-headed and dizzy. 

“You got fifteen seconds ta go dear! Or like… thirty, or – well – I’ll tell ya when ya can stop.”

Looking back, the possum slid her hands over a little further behind her ass, shuffling as she adjusted her balance. The weight of it was getting awkward, she’d started thick enough but now she was watching each half of her rump inflate like – well kind of like her belly, but a lot heavier. Both halves of it were rivaling her gut in size at this point, and neither one was showing signs of stopping, though it had slowed a little as it began overflowing into her thighs. Every ounce of it quivered when she moved, leaving her breathing in short but hard gasps and having a hard time not eyeballing the wolf’s chest again – or the end of that spear at least. 

Markus saw all that, but he saw the donation tracker as well – saw the scales tipping two ways at once. Literally and figuratively. Could he risk one of them breaking?

Something broke as he was considering it, but as Markus zoomed out to get an idea of what he wasn’t awarded with a clear answer. Just an ominous creaking and crunching sound, one he was fairly sure was coming from the log his possum avatar had just stumbled out of moments ago. One that got the wolf’s attention too, but not enough to change the canine’s mind about anything.

Not yet, anyway.


Possum Status: Horny, Bloated, Swelling++
Status Effects: Involuntary Glove, Beachball Middle, Root Fingers, Bubble Butt
Inventory: Tall Boots (Stylish – Special Features?) One Piece (Latex – Spiky Back)
Weapons: Fluffy Poof Hurler, Badonkables
You See: Drunk Wolf Tits, Your Own Gigantic Ass
Exits: West (An Actual Door), South-Ish (A Giant Plant Hole – Danger?), East (Some Nice Water & Flowers)
Debt Remaining: 311,297 Credits




Ooo~, nice draw! Nothing wrong with a bit more butt :3 I say wait right where we are; we did have a deal, after all. Plus it might be a decent idea to wait to see what that commotion is... It has nothing to do with having even *more* butt, I swear

RabidBadger (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:47:32 Clearly an innocent motivation. >.>
2019-02-21 04:11:24 Clearly an innocent motivation. >.>

Clearly an innocent motivation. >.>


The question is, *will* it work off debt without risking immobility~? Could end up with a whoooooole lotta ass~