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Continuing Markus' adventures, below you will see what our heroic possum avatar sees as the game goes on, and from there all of you get to chime in with input. Ask questions, suggest what Markus should have her do next, etc - we will respond to your comments and integrate them into the next post. By all means, feel free to go wild with the ideas!

Written by RabidBadger illustrated by me!

Cameo position by Lunoe of his drunken pirate-for-today girl Skye

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 [My vote is for the fungus tunnel - Travis, Athan] 

The donations ticker had spiked a bit, but it too Markus a moment to realize why. He’d been so busy staring at the gooey covering that had appeared on the possum’s hand it took him a second to put two and two together. Briefly, Markus weighed his options – he didn’t want to lose momentum there though. 

Trying his – or rather the possum’s – hand at it again met with another angry buzz from the keypad, but it was the first stage of it again. Sure enough, when Markus tried a fifth time, he got the second degree of automated irritation from the keypad, which meant only one thing to his mind. Another failed try meant another jab of whatever the heck was covering the possum’s hand right now. Which, while it had its appeals to some of the viewers, was probably not the best plan when it came to longevity. At least a couple dozen combinations remained after all. 

Markus wasn’t entirely happy with the idea. It had too much of a risk of ending this earlier than was useful to him, but the other options available to him were dwindling sharply. There was only one, really – the tunnel through the hollow log. Markus and the possum hesitated over the keypad, but a look at that glistening hand pushed the decision through in favor of caution – if it could be called that. It wasn’t as if turning to bolt toward the hollow log at a full run looked particularly cautious, but under the circumstances it at least flirted with it.

The theatrics might not have strictly been necessary, it wasn’t like the rhino and feline were going to interrupt matters at this point, but it made for better entertainment anyway. An appreciable few donations showed up as the possum dove head first into the somewhat snug confines of the tunnel, but the important part was the light on the other end of it.

Squirming through the hollow wasn’t as easy as it could be, the possum pawed around up ahead of herself with her strangely coated hand equally hoping it might be some kind of protection and not really wanting to touch herself with it apparently. The protection bit was on account of the many patches of grayish-green little bulbs attached to the inside of the log. All they brought to mind was horrible images of bugs coming out or something, but as the possum moved through, she just saw small puffs of smoke when the things were disturbed. Nothing further impeded her progress – at first anyway. 

It was two thirds of the way through when things started to slow down. The possum felt a little snug, which probably meant the log was narrowing on the way through, but she was also close to the exit. Forcing her way through it was a lot more appealing than getting stuck, so that’s what happened. It made for a noisier entrance than intended as the possum tumbled clumsily out of the end of the log and into someplace bright, crisp, and less musty smelling.

Landing in a haphazard heap of limbs, the possum coughed twice – then tried to suppress the noise only to erupt into a chest-deep belch. The act left the possum blinking. The gently swollen bulge around the woman’s belly left Markus blinking, or at least thinking about it. Apparently, the whole thing left the watchers delighted, while Markus was busier with surveying the surroundings and the possum couldn’t seem to stop prodding her stomach – and letting another moist hwurphb out each time she did, only for her middle to nigh instantly re-inflate.

Markus was not blind to the idea that every push-belly-belch earned him a bit more freedom, but whatever had been done there was probably already out of his hands. The rest of this place, and his next actions, were not.

To his left, Markus and the possum could see an extension of the foliage-rich mess that this place had been so far. There were plants – huge ones. Gigantic leaves the size of beds and massive pods hanging around them as well, including one thick looking bulbous mass that was the size of a standard ship’s escape pod laying against the ground. 

Beyond that, roughly ahead of the possum, was where the plants finally thinned a little. There was still plenty of tall grass, but it wasn’t so dense and that made it far easier to see the stone pathway amid a pool of water. It looked to be carved of something that polished up nicely, mostly white, leading out over a sparkling pool with a larger circular platform in the center – and then a continuation of the narrow path beyond. The far extreme of which had what was obviously a real, proper door behind it, and had a statuesque blue furred canine in a loincloth, gold circuit-looking patterning on her right arm where a span of dark blue fed into a lighter shade and holding a shock spear with a gourd of something tied to it in front of her. The bare-breasted canine was already eyeballing the possum, but not taking action just yet apart from lazily swinging side to side and causing her head-sized tits to swing around in the process.

Finally, on the righthand side, the pool continued into what resembled a small lagoon. Darker water, obviously deeper, but nothing clear to be seen from where they were just yet. Only that there wasn’t any obvious danger there, just a pristine spring and a whole lot of really colorful flowers.


Possum Status: Puffy and Belchy, also still Horny
Status Effects: Sneezed On, Involuntary Glove, Poochy Middle
Inventory: Tall Boots (Stylish – Special Features?) One Piece (Latex – Spiky Back)
Weapons; Fluffy Poof Hurler
You See: Giant Plant Pods, Stone Pathway & Blue Wolf Tits, Relaxing Pond
Exits: West (Door, Blue Wolf Tits), South? (Plants Everywhere!)
Debt Remaining: 492,658 Credits




While the blue wolf is enticing I'd think it might be interesting to _examine_ the _pods_ first. :)


If the wolf is already looking this way then then we may as well smile and wave! Don't wanna come across like some kinda a-hole or nothin'. But if she ends up approaching first, then we absolutely need to assert dominance by booping her snoot. I don't mean with the poof hurler, either; a proper snoot boop. Hopefully there isn't too much of a height difference...

Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:47:35 Haha I love this! One vote for BOOP THE SNOOT if the wolf gets rowdy >:3 Otherwise, smiling and waving like a lady humm~? I think our players are getting the hang of this!
2019-01-31 14:07:15 Haha I love this! One vote for BOOP THE SNOOT if the wolf gets rowdy >:3 Otherwise, smiling and waving like a lady humm~? I think our players are getting the hang of this!

Haha I love this! One vote for BOOP THE SNOOT if the wolf gets rowdy >:3 Otherwise, smiling and waving like a lady humm~? I think our players are getting the hang of this!


I want to know what the large shape is and suggest we investigate