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Continuing Markus' adventures, we're trying something a bit new! Below you will see what our heroic possum avatar sees as the game begins, and from there all of you get to chime in with input. Ask questions, suggest what Markus should have her do next, etc - we will respond to your comments and integrate them into the next post. By all means, feel free to go wild with the ideas!

Written by RabidBadger illustrated by me!

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Markus watched as the ticker that represented his debt made an appreciable, if still entirely too small move in the right direction. It was a bit of a relief, but that sentiment didn’t seem to be shared by the possum. His avatar was fidgeting, the outfit she wore squeaking a little in the process, the spikes on its back catching on leaves behind her. One hand went out to graze the keypad – there were some obvious signs of wear on a few of the buttons and that might just let her brute force the combination. It would make for a nice, safe way past the current problem. 

[Lewd Bushes!!! - Lily]

Safe, however, wasn’t going to help Markus as much as interesting was. The possum’s hand hesitated by the keypad, as if his avatar wanted to just go for the pad and call it good, but a moment later she was clenching her odd weapon and starting to creep as carefully as she could manage toward the rough and tumble happening in the shrubberies.

The approach was quiet and sluggish, though that hardly seemed necessary. With how loud the two were being the possum could’ve probably driven up in an off-road vehicle and not been noticed. In fact, by the time she was standing mere feet away, with Markus wondering what the next thing to do was as he realized he hadn’t thought this far ahead, the rhino turned his face right at the possum.

In that moment Markus froze, and so did his avatar. The rhino blinked, pausing in his constant thrusting and guttural grunting sounds. Blinked, reared his head back as if to shout, and then-


Wide-eyed, still clutching her weapon and her tail nervously, the possum blinked slowly as a faint cloud of pink dust blew right at her face. Along with some rhino sneeze. As she did this the source of it went right back to pounding the cat raw while Markus tried to unfreeze his thoughts and his avatar alike. He was dimly aware of the sound of nearby uproarious laughter though, and more acutely aware of his donation meter seeing a sudden upsurge of activity with a great deal of comments attached that mostly amounted to more laughing.

[I say check out the keypad! - Athan, Travis]

No further accidents came of heading back to the keypad – but Markus could swear his control over his avatar was getting a little more sluggish by the moment. Twice on the way he saw the possum hesitate, the second time there was a serious suspicion in him that she had glanced back at the sex, but each time he was able to just think harder at the woman and get things moving again. 

Once at the keypad Markus began taking his time with things, with just four buttons to deal with and a few other notions it wasn’t that hard to brute force things. It could, he reasoned, be easier still. There was a chance the person who set the code was the kind of numbskull who would use their birth year as the pin.

Directing his possum avatar to punch in a few numbers on the low end of that scale led to another brief delay, a frustrating trend Markus was noticing. As he tried to concentrate through it he caught a glimpse of his avatar in one of the more distant viewing angles, leaving him blinking slowly as he watched the possum sneeze quietly with her face still lightly dusted pink, and as she finally reached for the keypad now that she’d pulled her hand out from between her legs.

The first attempt didn’t work, but Markus hadn’t expected it to really. The angry sounding buzz when the light on the panel didn’t turn green was jarring though, albeit not all that strange. The noise repeated itself on the second attempt, which was still well within the range of obvious solutions as far as Markus could keep track. The possum was willed into trying again, there were only so many codes with those four numbers with the same two starting digits.

Markus zoomed into the first-person view for the third attempt, not entirely trusting the arrangement he was in to not fat finger the code, which left him front and center to hear the much louder and shriller noise on the third failure. It also left him privy to the possum jerking her finger back in clear distress, staring at a little red spot on the end of it that welled up with a droplet of scarlet.

At least, it started scarlet. Then it twitched gently and bubbled a little further up than should have from what seemed to be a pin prick, with the fluid quickly darkening to black and starting to drip down her finger. Down it, around it, between it and the others – something glistening and black was oozing from inside the possum’s fingertip and gradually starting to coat her hand, although as Markus watched it did seem to be slowing down gradually. 

Hearing the possum breathe heavily, Markus glanced behind his avatar. The other two were still going at it yes, but that wouldn’t last forever. There seemed to be consequences to brute forcing the door though. Thought, it seemed, might be in order.

Meanwhile, Markus concentrated on getting the possum’s uninjured hand to stop trying to wander between her legs again, something he was finding curiously difficult.


Possum Status: Needy and Leaky
Status Effects: Sneezed On, Involuntary Glove
Inventory: Tall Boots (Stylish – Special Features?) One Piece (Latex – Spiky Back)
Weapons; Fluffy Poof Hurler
You See: Lewd Bushes, Dirty Worn Out Keypad (Treacherous), Broken Vines
Exits: North (horny rhino), West (fungal tree tunnel), East (keypad)
Debt Remaining: 543,722 Credits




My vote is for fungus tunnel. Haven't explored that yet and some mushrooms are more interesting than they seem, especially in this kind of a place


Been thinking on it awhile; can't really think of much other than to agree with Travis ^ We gotta trust the fungus! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6w_V3MkfaI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6w_V3MkfaI</a>


Heck, I guess we could... that glove is pretty concerning, though P: I mean, we DO only yolo once...