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Alright everyone, we're trying something a bit new! Below you will see what our heroic possum avatar sees as the game begins, and from there all of you get to chime in with input. Ask questions, suggest what Markus should have her do next, etc - we will respond to your comments and integrate them into the next post. By all means, feel free to go wild with the ideas!

Written by RabidBadger illustrated by me!

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  As strange as the circumstances Markus was experiencing were, nothing quite prepared him for watching the possum stand up and the other three individuals walk off the instant he thought about finalizing her as the choice. It had been a pragmatic thought that did it, the possum had that tail going for her. Climbing, holding extra tools, etc – Markus was certain it would come in handy. In the meantime, however had to arm his avatar, and the room sported ample opportunity to do so.

The snow leopard wasn’t some master of games, but he knew the pirates always played more than one at a time – and that the trick was figuring out which one mattered. If he just approached this intending to get the possum from the start to the finish that probably wouldn’t prove overly difficult, it also probably wouldn’t make enough to cancel out his debt. A thing he could alarmingly see a virtual representation of sitting in the corner of his field of vision – an imposing six-digit number that would be impossible to deal with, even if he sold his ship.

Oh, we already sold your ship and took it out of the debt, that’s the difference you still have to make up.

There it was. The real nature of the game. It had nothing to do with getting to the end, it was getting enough money out of the people who got their kicks watching this kind of thing. That left Markus a bit uneasy, as did the fresh reminder that everything he was thinking was apparently being noticed by whoever he kept hearing. None of that mattered though, he had more important things to worry about.

As soon as he’d formed the impulse in his head to do so the possum began going to work ‘arming’ herself. There was some of what felt like ‘lag’ to Markus in the process, but it didn’t persist – just a stuttering of movement as the woman began moving. It didn’t stand in the way of anything meaningfully, it didn’t prevent her from locating a black latex one piece that sported a bed of metal spikes on the back or a set of knee-high black boots with some mechanism Markus couldn’t make out that looked to be part of the heels. 

‘Armaments’ proved to be a simple task as well, Markus actually saw some highlight themselves as the possum glanced around the room. Something that looked like an axe handle attached to a large rubber butt, a cluster of large black dildos on chains with a handle, a two-handed studded paddle, a cluster of puffy spheres of some kind that were next to what resembled a lacrosse paddle, and a scattering of more ‘conventional’ weapons including a large handheld net that might well be useful no matter how Markus played this.

The possum had not yet armed herself when Markus’ view shifted abruptly, the armory was still visible but there was a second space that looked to be materializing out of nowhere – or perhaps Markus was just being tied into the video feed for it. His curiosity seemed to be mirrored by the possum, who was now leaning near the connecting airlock that had opened in the room. Both the possum and Markus slowly took stock of what lay before them.

It was almost garden-like, that room. If you looked closely you could still see that the walls resembled the rest of the station’s hull, but only in the patches that weren’t obscured by plant growth. There was enough moss and ivy around the walls and the stones and logs set up across the floor that the hull only peeked through here and there, and the canopy of vines hanging down from the ceiling gave the room a dim but verdant look. Like it was twilight on some breathing world rather than just a cramped room. 

When some of the foliage moved Markus and the possum’s attentions were centered further still – someone was already in there. It wasn’t easy to make out, but Markus saw a pair of pointed sandy brown ears nestled in some of the thicker bushes and vines watching back. They were near the far wall, whoever they were – not far from what looked like another exit further into the ‘game’. One of the exits anyway.

Markus found himself grateful for having the odd floating view he did, it made it easier to notice the other important details of the room, like the large hollow tree trunk that lined up just about right with where another door ought to be on the left wall. The trunk was enormous, covered in brightly colored fungal growth and sitting at the side of a quiet and still pond. 

On the third wall Markus wasn’t so sure if he saw a way out per se, there was a curtain of vines and trickling water that might be hiding one, but it was difficult to say for sure. What’s more, Markus was fairly sure one of the stones at the edge of the running water that led to the pond on the other side of the room had just moved – and had a large horn on one of its ends.

Glancing at the debt-counter, Markus saw that a small trickle of money had started to chip away at the smallest pieces of it. All he had to do now to make it keep going was make a decision, and send the possum in.


Possum status: Nervous

Inventory: Tall Boots (Stylish – Special Features?) One Piece (Latex – Spiky Back)

You see: Dildo Flail, Ass Hammer, Floof Hurler, Greater Humiliation Stick, Other?

Exits: North (airlock & eyes in the dark), West (fungal tree tunnel), East (vine curtain?)

Debt Remaining: 568,439 Credits






Heckin HECK; no cow Dx Trash pandas are nice, though. (Scream at own @$$) I dunno what a Floof Hurler™ is, so I'd be inclined to check it out. Paths... heck, I dunno; they're all interesting, but the vines and water might be what I'd be inclined to head for ^^

Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:47:44 Athan on the job! Help us sniff out those paths >:D
2018-12-14 01:46:23 Athan on the job! Help us sniff out those paths >:D

Athan on the job! Help us sniff out those paths >:D