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I'd always wanted to see what I'd look like as a phoenix, I've always had a soft spot for the fluffy frans in my heart! So I have been working on this for some time, and I wanted to share it here first <3

The colour scheme was a challenge, but I'm very happy with the way it came together, and the body shape is something I really enjoyed doing!

BIG PROPS to https://twitter.com/Grand_Yamun who does ALL the wonderful birds and shapes! I asked if I could try and borrow elements of their style for this, to which they agreed. In particular I wanted to play with line weight, and some of the more regal elements of the birds they've drawn for squawktober. If you like big regal borbs I strongly suggest you check their stuff out!




Normally I am not a fan of fat birbs of any kind, but I like what you did here, looks really good.