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This epilogue written by RabidBadger! We thank you for your continued support, you've helped make this series what it is <3

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Nathan let out a groan as he opened his eyes, then immediately shut them again as the lights overhead proved far too intense to deal with on no notice. There was a moment where he was left disoriented, not entirely sure where he was – what he’d been doing before he passed out. It didn’t last past Nathan’s first jolt of awareness – that little shudder sparked his whole body wobbling precariously. He had gotten so large so fast the sheer weight of his body and how it moved in response to even little stimuli remained quite foreign.

Foreign and inconvenient, but that had been the problem to solve. That had been why he went to Lambda’s dorms after a bit of heavy reviewing of the options he had open to him after donating his fabric design to the school. It had been the most bizarre dichotomy in there, but it had also been encouraging in its own strange way. There was a healthy mix of the athletic side of the student body and the adipose-encased side alike, and they were curiously supportive of one another. They also seemed to have no problems with mobility, which was the whole point.

All it had taken was a brief interview with a very bottom-heavy raccoon to get him access for that day, and that had led to a lot of hours talking to people who had firsthand experience with body augmentation. Something that, while intimidating, had been a great deal more effective at helping him make decisions than just paging through brochures.

Sliding off the recovery bed, Nathan felt all the profound weight of his body settle around him as he touched the floor – and then he didn’t. Not so much anyway. The strain of his knees and hips eased, a few scattered bunches of muscles in his back pulled involuntarily in a way that made his posture straighten, made his belly tuck a bit and eased his center of gravity closer to his middle. Nathan felt a cool rush of something in his legs and his back that dulled the edge of the effort it took to stand there to something approaching what it had been like before Monica’s infernal program left him with this body.

Hurrying over to the recovery room’s mirror, Nathan was somewhat shocked that he was capable of hurrying period. The speed he could muster was understandably limited by his balance, but that was the only lingering problem. Better yet, when he reached the mirror he saw precisely what he expected. Himself. Granted, a lot of himself, but just that – no visible cybernetics or implants or replacement limbs. The framework was all internal they had said, skeletal reinforcement and a few small microchemistry nodules that would release natural stimulants into his major muscle groups when they were needed.

Lambda Nihil Interit had taken care of the procedure in house, some of the augmentations were things students in the group owned, but apparently had no problems sharing with prospective members.

Nathan kept staring, watching the soft, swaying heaps of flesh that were now and forever apart of his life move. The part of it he was still learning to deal with was enjoying it a little, the swaying and wobbling was kind of nice – not that he expected he’d be admitting that any time soon. There was just so much of him now – he’d only used about a tenth of the hard pudge his body had grown to handle the driver software for his implants as it was. There was a phenomenal amount of space left to work with, but with his immediate problems taken care of (sort of) Nathan had to think about what to do next.

The answer that came to him had been a lot like the last couple problems he had, solve the issue himself. Figure out how to fill the rest of the space inside with things he developed, later. The raccoon had suggested that, while levitating what looked like a miniature wedding cake. Something about not taking the idea of leaving empty space empty for granted. The cake had been eaten in a single bite after that, but the inspiration lingered.

A soft ping came from across the room, the origin of which turned out to be his student’s tablet – currently laying atop a pile of his clothing that Nathan realized he was going to have to try to get back into now. Waddling up to the thing, if only to stop its beeping, Nathan was surprised (and felt a sharp chill down his newly reinforced spine) to find the address of the sender listed as the headmistress.

For a moment, Nathan went through a brief panic attack. A horrible momentary fear that somehow this had all turned around and gone wrong while he was unconscious, that she was going to tell him the fabric didn’t work after all and now he was liable for all the costs of this, and-


Hello! I wanted to let you know we’ve gotten the installation finished and was wondering if you wanted to be present when we activate it for the first time? We’ll be doing so in the entrance hall in about half an hour, but we can stall for maybe fifteen minutes if we have to. Either way, the school is grateful for this. Hope to see you!

-Headmistress Seraphina

Letting a heavy breath out, feeling fear and tension fall off him like water down his back, Nathan shivered and clenched his fingers. It mystified him that even that simple gesture resulted in a noticeable feeling of his body’s thickness squeezing in on itself. He took another breath, squeezed his hand another time or two, then looked over the heap of clothing.

The issue of how awkward he was at this size was going to take some creativity to solve, but he’d get that sorted out eventually. In the meantime? He doubted this kind of invitation happened often, and as much as the Headmistress terrified him a little he was curious what they were going to do.

Nathan thumbed out a reply quickly, then corrected it twice after his pudgy fingers missed a key or two.


Be right there!




Ooo~ I hope everything goes well enough ^^ Can't wait to find out!