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This isn’t happening, this can’t be happening! I’m going to kill that hag, I’ll kill her! 

... or at least I might, if I knew she wasn’t so powerful. B-but to turn me into a pig?! I can’t go back to my family looking like this, I’m going to have to hide out on the Edge for a while so I can sort this out. Maybe there’s a spellbook that can reverse this... maybe I’ll even be able to read it, if there was. And what was that other thing she said? 

'Along with the transformation to show you your true form I set another couple of layers into the spell - I know you won't mind. This is all for you, after all. From now until I decide otherwise, and I don't plan on deciding otherwise, every scrap of food, every mouthful of water you drink will remain in your body. You will live, day after day to watch your body slowly swell with both flab and food and waste, building up until it's as much a part of you as your own skin and bones. Or should I say blubber and snout, Jenny?'

Whatever did that mean?




Oooo!!! You've got me excited for more of this series! I really liked the concept and other stories that went with this when you had rabidbadger write about it previously!

Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:48:14 Eeee! Thank you! I really enjoy the setting, it's nice to get back to it <3
2018-07-29 01:43:29 Eeee! Thank you! I really enjoy the setting, it's nice to get back to it <3

Eeee! Thank you! I really enjoy the setting, it's nice to get back to it <3