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By our very own RabidBadger 

contains gas, wg, implied bj, trisksy deals! 

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It would be a gross understatement to say that Argyle was uncomfortable. His own skin was uncomfortable at the moment, though the fine tailored silk suit did its best to mitigate that. That suit was fighting a losing battle though, the wolf’s body was enormous – and it refused to stop reminding him of that fact. Every little shift in his custom made and very comfortable chair forced Argyle to freshly realize just how broad his ass was, how much of him sprawled out to touch everything around him. How many places his body folded over itself, soft and sweaty, making the material cling and tug when he shifted himself even a little.

That was without considering his ass contributing to the disquiet the fleshy heap of a lawyer was struggling with. The smell wasn’t quite bothering him the way it used to, but it still felt more than a little humiliating to just lose control every few minutes – and it was every few minutes. He had eventually fought himself up out of the chair, with great difficulty, to turn some music on with the sound system on the far wall of his office just to hopefully drown the worst of it out for those outside the room. As for him, there was no ignoring the painfully embarrassing wind storms escaping his rump. 

Argyle’s only real distractions from it were work, and food. It was some bit of mercy that both were in ready supply. Even then, it wasn’t quite taking the edge off fast enough. The body felt like a trap he’d fallen into, and Argyle hated that. He’d taken such pains to avoid exactly that sort of pitfall and now he was a bloated, gassy parody of his former self.

With a top floor office. With a cute little mouse as an assistant, who apparently had already come to terms with his size and energetic digestive system. With an all-powerful servitor for life. 

Rubbing his face with his hands, Argyle did his level best to ignore how the flab around them bunched up and how sluggish they felt while he reached for the button on his phone that would call Lewis, only to see the squirrel coming down the elevator with a covered cart at his side, apparently having anticipated the need already. If there was anything he could say for this mess it as that he’d lucked out as far as Lewis went – the fiend was attentive, useful, efficient – everything he’d asked for.

“…Might be time I asked for more.” 

Looking down at the stack of papers, Argyle realized he hadn’t done a damn thing for work yet really – not like usual. Worse still, he wasn’t as confident as he should be in what had gotten done. There was just too much on his mind.

“Getting a bit too tense, gonna do something stupid at this rate and have to fix even more later. I-”

The door opened at that, which left Argyle silent at least until it closed itself again as the squirrel approached with his culinary bounty. Already feeling his mouth watering, Argyle leaned back in the seat and let some of the tension out of himself while Lewis uncovered the dish. Steak, rare, with steamed vegetables and butter rolls – as course one. The squirrel set the first tray in front of Argyle and began turning back to the cart, which was when a set of pudgy fingers on his arm stopped him.

“Lewis, I can get that myself – I need you to…”

Argyle missed a beat, the smell of the meat – seared perfectly outside and still red inside, spiced in that way the squirrel had that made everything tingle a little and linger for ages was getting to him. That, and what he had in mind to ask for felt strange, even though he’d explicitly included it in the contract.

“…I want you to start the next change the moment you’re able to, but right this second I need you to draw the blinds, get under my desk, and help me get rid of some of this tension.”

It was a little odd for the squirrel to do anything other than immediately reply with ‘yes sir’ and then take action, which was still mostly what happened. Lewis delayed for all of half a second, and then the words were said – the squirrel was moving. Outside, the mouse didn’t seem to react at all to the windows into Argyle’s office being obscured. Argyle himself was wrapped up all too quickly in eating, unable to control the urge to at least momentarily quiet his belly a bit.

By the time he had the first bite in his mouth he had lost sight of Lewis already. Not that it was hard to say where the squirrel was, a moment later there were deft little flingers working their way carefully around under his gut, leaving Argyle gasping as the unfamiliar touch sent shivers and flutters through him. 

Not that it slowed down his eating, the wolf was still tearing pieces of beef off to bite into and savor while those little hands peeled his pants open, tugging away the necessarily very elastic underwear he was sporting until they were kneading at the thick mound of pudge that had grown between his legs like Lewis was preparing bread dough. The comparison was appropriate, it took roughly the same kind of coaxing to get all that fat out of the way while Argyle’s frustrated member fought through it from the other side. 

All thoughts of work fled Argyle’s mind by the time both his and Lewis’ mouths were full.