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As The Rendering Pit moves into Chapter 2, we’re going to be looking for someone to fill the (admittedly large) shoes that Samuel the badger left behind when he went and became a blob! The dorm is three beds large and we need an extra person to fill one of those beds! To do this, we’re going to be running a YCH auction, similar to the one that was run here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/20755786/

Become a student! Struggle within the walls of The Rendering Pit, make friends, maybe enemies, and take part in a plot that will shape the future of the universe! 


If you win the auction, your character will: 

Be the subject of 4+ story/picture combos in the style of this: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rendering-pit-8-13807692

These stories will be illustrated with a colour picture!

Be part of a dynamic plot in a pre-established universe! 

Become part of The Rendering Pit (Ashen Expanse) lore, forever!

Likely end up a massive blob~ 


The Auction will start on the 15/1/2018, and end on the 18/1/2018

Auction will be Patreon Exclusive

Eligible characters will be:

Anthros/taurs (sorry, no humans allowed!) 

Any gender

Any weight (although starting off small is encouraged! ;3) 


Whilst we want to work with you to ensure that you get the most bang for your buck, before participating in this auction me and Rabidbadger would just like to remind you that The Rendering Pit is a dangerous place! Students go missing, they become Custodial Drones, blueberries, and more! Taking a place in The Rendering Pit means having a student go through the school’s process, and being okay with where they end up.

If you have any questions, lemme know below! <3 



David Harder

Much as I'd love to give it a go, seeing as I swiped the last one, I think it's only fair to let someone else have a turn.

Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:48:48 As an artist I'm definitely not against competition - but that said? You're totally being a gentleman here u3u &lt;3
2018-01-12 00:53:05 As an artist I'm definitely not against competition - but that said? You're totally being a gentleman here u3u <3

As an artist I'm definitely not against competition - but that said? You're totally being a gentleman here u3u <3