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Eeee! SOFT BEE FRAN! Today we follow Genevieve who, empudgened by her recent encounter with a blue haired pig lunch lady who shall not be named, sought to turn her excess mass into an advantage, as is the way of The Pit. Given she's majoring in Drone control and Wireless Systems, what better way to impress her teachers than a drone of her own? Currently accepting name suggestions for our new, soft bee friend! Written by the marvelous Rabidbadger of FA! Illustrated by yours truly. 

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The tubby vixen shifted uncomfortably in the one and a half seats she occupied in the University’s med facility waiting room. Genevieve had her hands wrapped a little too tightly around the student’s tablet, only relaxing every few minutes when she heard the case creak, and inevitably ending up repeating the process again a few more minutes down the line. This wasn’t that bad, she kept telling herself. Why did she hate doctors so much? 

It was the nervous voice in her head that asked the question, the blunt and merciless one answered it. Because nine times out of ten you went there for a fat reduction with your glaring mother. 

Genevieve’s hands relaxed a little, tilting the tablet away some, leaving her reflection visible. Her cheeks were puffier now than her mother had ever let them be, and she was here to… to make it worse? But to make herself better able to succeed in the process? 

“This whole thing was supposed to be about making something of myself, so… I just-“

“Genevieve! The doctor will see you now.”

The vixen suffered a body-wide twitch – she felt the same way when her family shouted her name.

“That’s not where this is – I’m not, this – this is confusing.”

One exhale later, Genevieve stood just in time to stop her name from being shouted again in more irritated tones. She swallowed hard, then stepped through the door at the end of the hall, immediately finding herself squinting under harsh, artificial lighting. She saw a handful of splashes of color, mostly – pale blues, bright whites, and one dark spot in browns and carbon black that was slowly clearing up.

“H-hello, ma’am, do-“

The voice that rang out was impatient, and a bit on the harsh side – something that initially seemed bizarre when she realized the darker form behind the pale cobalt desk was a doe. Sure, deer as kindhearted nice folk was a stereotype, but that caught Genevieve off guard just the same.

“Doctor will do. You’re here to take advantage of the school’s augmentation program.”

The glare was fading, slowly, at least from one sense. All Genevieve could smell was antiseptic air scrubbing and that didn’t seem to be getting any better. Unsure of what to say specifically, or rather how to say it without annoying what sounded like a very impatient physician, she nodded. And tried not to stare. A feat which would’ve been easier were she not looking at the two obvious replacement limbs, shiny black cases that revealed nothing of their probable alternate purposes, and the milky white eyes surrounded by lattices of what looked like electrical burn scarring.

“I’m going to assume you just nodded. Sit.”

It felt a little like someone had run cold water down Genevieve’s spine. Blind, and she’d nodded – great job genius

The chairs were Spartan things, uncomfortable looking. Just like the room. One examination table, a handful of wall monitors, and a single stretch of the wall with what looked like medical dispensers and a sink. It was unimpressive, especially for a place like this.

“I, y- yes, doctor.”

There was indeed a lack of comfort when she sat, and a small prickling sensation she chalked up to her nerves protesting just how displeasing this whole thing was. 

“One hundred and twenty one kilograms, and counting if I guess right. What package are you looking for, girl?”

Genevieve’s expression took a hard left turn into incredulous at the number she’d been delivered. That was definitely heavier than she’d been in the past, and in what – a week at this school? Her mother was going to-

“Come on, out with it! I have other patients to see today.”

“B-but you’re-“

The doe managed to still give the impression of narrowing a glare right at the vixen despite her clearly sightless eyes. It set a fire in Genevieve’s mind right under the pile of answers she’d still been arguing with herself about, despite having made up her mind ages ago. The mental filibuster died as one thought from it incandesced and shot out of her mouth.

“The drone control suite! The, the uhm – the deluxe one, if I can, that is – ma’am. Doctor! Sorry.”

Her doctor’s expression softened just a little at that, but it wasn’t much. More a return to neutrality, or whatever passed for it.

“Seeing as that is your major, yes, you can be issued the deluxe suite – which I’m sure you’re well aware requires extra space for the much more exhaustive control software and the rapid integration protocols – those will delete themselves when the process is done but you still need to be housing the program for at least a week.”

The doctor slid her seat back at that, a harsh scraping sound – metal on metal – and then the clink of her artificial leg on the floor, followed by the somewhat more organic strike of hoof to metal. She set her artificial hand to Genevieve’s shoulder, giving the vixen a not-so-gentle push toward the instruments and fluids by the sink. 

“I- th-that… that’s okay, I guess, and-“

Genevieve winced a little as she watched the supposedly blind doctor go to work, surprisingly simply. She fished out an injection device, and a tube of what was clearly nanite colony infusion gel. 

“So, uhm – what kind of options do I have for the package he-OW!”

The doe moved far faster than she expected, and far more accurately – at least assuming she had intended to jam the injector into Genevieve’s ass. There was a rush of pressure in her posterior that immediately began dissipating. There was also a rush for words to use to chastise this clearly impatient, bitchy, maybe crazy doctor – but as soon as the vixen opened her mouth again she found something round and sweet stuck in it, something about the size of a billiard ball, with a small handle poking out through her lips.

“You’re to suck on that until it’s gone, no stopping – especially not overnight – or this won’t work properly and no we won’t cover another attempt this semester.”

Genevieve still wanted to complain, but the orb of what tasted like salted caramel in her mouth was both delicious, and a bit sticky. She found herself simply glaring at her instead – which did a lot of good for a blind doctor, she reminded herself. The doe was already walking back to her desk in the meantime.

“Go on, that injection will do its work on its own – just don’t mess with them, or let anyone else mess with them, or stop sucking on that thing, or do anything else stupid. One of the drones will attune to you overnight and you’ll be able to dive in to the suite’s features afterward.”

She found herself shooed out of the room in short order, left standing in the waiting room once more – this time able to see all the eyes on her, watching as she sucked on what was clearly a large, caramel lollipop. More than enough reason to hurry her way out of there while the next name was being called.

The halls were a little better, at least in terms of being less singled out. Genevieve ran her tongue over the thing in her mouth, perfectly smooth and exceedingly sweet, then with no real idea what else to do next she began making her way back to her dorm.


Genevieve leaned hard on the door, halfway back she’d started to feel more than a little strange. There was something akin to a fizzing sensation under her skin, and she couldn’t seem to open her mouth from around the object lodged in it. Moreover, she felt considerably sluggish – maybe even a little bloated. 

The door slid open, showing both her dorm mates. The badger was laying back on his bed snoring softly, a purple-latex-coated mouse rubbing his immense middle (which seemed visibly larger than yesterday – as if it wasn’t big enough already). Rigel was in the far back, with his little potted plant set up by the window – he seemed to be trimming it rather carefully, though his eyes looked glazed, and his lips were coated in blue. He was at least oblivious enough not to notice her entering, and given the difficulty she was having with her mouth at the moment they might have to wait to catch up until she was through with whatever the hell she had just gotten herself into.

What had she just gotten herself into?

Genevieve sat on the edge of her bed, and put her hand to her middle. It felt… soft. Softer than it should, even. It wasn’t just bloating – this thing in her mouth was packing weight onto her already – but then the doctor had said she needed some more, at least temporarily. Chrome’s tits, if her mother had any idea how gigantic she’d let her ass get – and now she was actively making it bigger. Yeah, it was for a good cause but-

But what?

The vixen’s eyes narrowed as she stared down at where her feet would’ve been if she could still see them. But what? She was supposed to make something of herself here, or not come home – and this wasn’t her mother’s world or her mother’s choices to make. Success lay down the path of snapped panties and sports bras in a place like this. Or at least, that was one of the paths it lay down, and she was pretty sure she could walk it. It was nice and roomy, and had lots of places to sit down.

Apparently making something of herself here meant willfully joining the ranks of those who attracted small objects in zero-G. The impulse to quietly, and from a safe distance, tell her mother to suck it came upon Genevieve. It was immediately followed by a noisy slurp as a bit of caramel juice escaped.

Though I suppose it’s me that’s doing the sucking at the moment.

Genevieve felt a shifting of mass inside her, like something adjusting in her stomach – only it did so right through the meat of her thighs and belly. The tingling was near intolerable – saturating the swollen bulk she carried and not yet satisfied that it was enough. She reached for her tablet again, leaning down on her bed, pulling up some of the local entertainment broadcasts.

At least the place got premium streaming.


Buzzing. A kind of quiet, almost comforting – inquisitive sounding buzzing. Genevieve could hear it in the back of her skull, feel it dance across the roots of her inner ear. When had she passed out though? She blinked, bleary-eyed, and then immediately shut both eyes as a rush of vertigo hit her like a hammer between the eyes. Up and down ceased to exist, and the vixen clung to the black and the embrace of the bed against half of her body as precious reassurances gravity was still in working order. 

The buzzing grew worse, more intense – closer if it was possible for something in her skull to be so – and she felt a stinging pain in the right side of her forehead. Genevieve tried to coax her fingers to move and reach for it, needing to know what was there.

Two points of light flickered into being before her in the black, each one slowly growing in size and clarity. There was something large, and reddish, with some hints of blue – something long and bulbous. It was right in front of her, moving a little in the middle, some long part of it sliding over toward a couple nubs of color on the far end.

Genevieve’s eyes snapped open the instant she noticed she was seeing this while they were still shut. Her fingers brushed two smooth, hard nubs that were resting parallel to each other over her right eye. The things tingled gently, each of them feeling like an extension of her own skull – and then there was the vision she’d seen. Her own body, laying on its side. Her own lumpy, soft frame, slowly rising and falling as she breathed (well, faster now) – the image was in the corner of her eye like picture-in-picture, which meant-

The vixen’s eyes looked around, but the room was dark and she hadn’t adjusted to it yet. Then that buzzing resumed, but it felt kind of… purposeful? It had a tone to it almost. Not inquisitive this time – more of a signal. An excited, eager feeling thing. Genevieve didn’t hear the ‘ping’ that followed it so much as she felt it, like a ripple that moved across and through her body. She could see the source though – there were what looked like hazy green vapor trails in the air – they pulsed once, and centered in on the floor about a yard from her bed, after which the gleaming thing that had done it began rising with what was (this time) an actual buzzing sound.

She couldn’t quite suppress the initial recoiling, but on some level Genevieve managed to realize this wasn’t a threat – her mind was still catching up to the situation, but that meant it was moving. It didn’t stop the abrupt shifting of the image in the corner of her vision from being disorienting.

Sitting before her on the edge of her bed was what looked like an enormous bug – the size of her hand, at least. It took a moment or two of staring to reassure herself when she saw metallic sheen instead of chitinous, but it definitely looked bug-like. Two big eyes, six legs, two wings, all on a squat, thick frame that looked like it was… wearing sweater?

That thought managed to be so bizarre as to dispel a great deal of Genevieve’s startled anxiety all by itself, and the instant she had the thought the little thing’s front legs and the antennae above them began excitedly waving around, before the small device paced around in a circle looking almost jaunty about it. Genevieve felt her lips creep upward a bit. The little fuzzy bee looking thing didn’t make an audible sound, but it raised its antennae and she kind of heard, or felt, or just… knew that it had confirmed something, and was ‘glad’ about it – she even saw two thin green trails that stretched from its antennae to the nubs she saw on her forehead for an instant. 

“…The green things – I’m seeing the signals. It – you – that’s the hardware part of where we make contact then! So, you’re my little… hee.”

Genevieve leaned over and reached out to curl her hands under the bumble drone, which seemed to read her intent just fine and crawled into her hand like an obedient pet.

“Okay, let’s really try this – I’m hungry after that nap, so-“

The little thing in her hands buzzed up into the air as fast as the thought crossed her mind – and left Genevieve grinning as she watched its view head down the corridor. She thought about it briefly, and the video feed enlarged. It was odd, she didn’t exactly feel like she was flying the thing, more like it was flying for her. There was some kind of translation between mind and device, something that let her contextualize all the myriad systems she needed to know how to operate to make it work the right way, like… driving school, kind of?

Genevieve watched Bumble close in on the cafeteria in one eye, and looked over at the badger with the other – he was still snoozing, and the mouse was still there, though there was now a pile of empty wrappers all over the bed by his feet. Curiously, she saw trails of a hazy pink/green lingering in the air near the drone mouse’s head.

Hesitantly, the vixen found herself reaching out to them, trying to touch them with her thoughts the way she had with the bee. 

The reaction was as quick as it was harsh – instantly, Genevieve twitched and squirmed while grasping up at her forehead – the twin nubs above her eye were hot, though the spike faded quickly, but it left behind a remarkably clear message just the same. One word, writ large across her consciousness.

The drone hadn’t moved really, just turned its head a little – looking in her general direction. It still made its point known, flashing in large letters across Genevieve’s vision was one word.




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