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Concerned with an increase in appetite, not to mention weight gain, Samuel goes to the school nurse looking for answers. The nurse has a reputation for being an interesting addition to the school's roster, will he find the answers he seek? Or be left with more questions?

Written by RabidBadger , illustrated by me

The following contains themes of weight gain, body modification, fat furs, sci fi and more!

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Samuel swallowed heavily – he’d been putting this off, and didn’t really want to be here right now either. The nurse’s office scared him, but so had the email he’d gotten, so the badger had waddled his way down after classes the first day he really had free time – and felt up to it. Then there’d been waiting – of course there was waiting. Any time you wanted medical care and it couldn’t be done by a bot you had to sit around in a blank, sterile room with a single view screen showing nothing but commercials for medication your insurance didn’t cover. 

Granted, most waiting rooms weren’t full of students with visible cybernetics, utterly alien looking skin growths, or – actually he was pretty sure the possum over on the far end of the room was dead. He was also tapping his foot impatiently and staring right at Samuel, but the man didn’t seem to be breathing either.

“Mister Badger? The Nurse will see you now.”

Samuel couldn’t entirely describe the relief from those seven words. It meant he got to get up (which took a moment, the chair he was in had arms that required prying himself out of – that gift basket had ‘gifted’ him with a couple dozen more pounds hanging off his body, especially the hips), and get away from that stare, and the strange smells – sour milk, motivator oil, other things he outright couldn’t place. There were still dirty looks as he waddled through toward the doors into the examination room, but he could deal with that – all they got to see was his ass as he went off to get help. 

Whatever the badger expected to find as a nurse’s office in this place, it wasn’t to end up standing in a strange, humid room with dim lighting and wet, trickling sounds in the periphery. He wasn’t alone of course, there was a figure standing a short ways further in – lithe, with light mocha fur, spotted, a little tuft of a tail, hooves. Though her left arm below the elbow and most of her left leg were gleaming a little in the faint light – it didn’t surprise him too much to think medical staff in a place like this might’ve lost a limb or two. She was leaning over and, it looked like, watering plants? That seemed about right, as Samuel’s vision started clearing up a bit the room looked more and more like some kind of green house. Lots of little cuttings and saplings in old fashioned clay pots amid warm, humid air.

“Uh-uhm… are you the uh, the nurse, ma’am? Doctor ma’am, probably.”

The woman smiled, though Samuel questioned it a little as he couldn’t quite make out her eyes in the gloom. The hand that came to rest on his shoulder was gentle enough though.

“Nurse is fine, I’m not so worried about honorifics dear. So how are you, what can I help with?”

Samuel took a breath, still trying to adjust to the humid, earthy atmosphere of the strange room. He could kind of make out the plants now, strange things with gently curved branches, mostly with lots of little leaves, sometimes with patches of moss. The entire room’s walls were lined with them, and each clay pot had a strange series of dots engraved into the surface.

He was about to speak when that hand on his shoulder rose up to his face, planting itself amid the puffy, pillowy mass of his cheek, and pawing about. The badger didn’t exactly know what to make of this, it seemed exceedingly weird, and yet somehow also innocent enough that he suspected it might be rude to stop it.

“Nice and soft, and I’m guessing badger based on the bone structure. Definitely some form of mustelid though.”

It finally managed to penetrate Samuel’s brain that this woman might not actually be seeing him, which explained ever so much. It also broke the paralysis he had on answering, though the doe was still busy pawing about at his face while he did so.

“I uhm, I had an… well, a lesson with Professor Reginald went oddly, and I-“

Samuel stalled again. The reality of what he was about to admit to crawled into his head properly, but was quickly argued back against. This was the nurse, he had to be honest here if this visit was going to help. 

“I woke up in a big pile of drones and students? And then I got this pamphlet, and uh, a couple gift baskets, and-“

The doe’s fingertips moved from his brow to his lips, holding a single finger over them.

“And you wanted, or were advised, to come see how serious it is. I understand. There’s a table over here, come along – lay down on your stomach when you get there. And while we’re at this, what’s your name, child?”

The finger moved, though Samuel found it wasn’t done prodding. The nurse gently turned him around by the shoulders, then planted one hand firmly in the soft expanse of his ass and began walking him across the room. There was indeed a small couch of sorts in the far end of the room, no back or arms, curved upward gently. It looked like the kind of thing one might see at a chiropractor’s. 

“Samuel, ma’am. Nurse. No uhm, no surname. Family lost the rights to it a couple generations ago on the moon I grew up on. Just started here though, so I imagine the records will only have one badger with my name who started on within the last set of students.”

They got up to the edge of the couch while he tried to ignore the squeezing of the nurse’s hand. Probably just to keep pace with him, or something. It might have lingered just a little when he curled over the couch, wrestling his belly into place with a grunt. 

“Alright then Samuel.”

This time, both her hands came down on his ass.

“So, from the sound of it you and the drones, and probably some other partially saturated students, had a bit of a romp. It happens, it’s not that serious if you’re careful.”

Samuel squirmed a bit, the doe was kneading at his buttocks and he really wasn’t sure what to make of that.

“Uhm, oh-okay, what uh, what do I have to be c-careful of?”

The doe’s hands moved, sliding up to his lower back, then around his love handles. Prodding gently, but mercilessly.

“Well, more contact mostly. Not the casual sort, but ‘fun’ with the drones will expose you to more of what makes them what they are, and – ah! There it is.”

Samuel fidgeted a bit again, feeling something… off. On his right side, she’d prodded something in him that felt hard, and foreign. Something buried firmly in his ever thicker folds of flab. 

“That is the current location of the colony, little ball of the stuff they’re covered with. I mean, it’s probably got some threads laced into your stomach – that’s usually the first step. That said, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ve seen some of the students who are sporting visible patches of the same slick material the drones are coated in?”

The badger twitched gently on account of the doe’s hands moving up to his lower back, she seemed to be working him through a massage. Not that he was complaining. He could use one.

“Partial saturation, and even then – it has to get pretty advanced before you start showing that. So barring any anomalies? Just take it easy on the ‘extracurricular’ fun, and the worst you’ll have to deal with is getting fluffier and maybe finding yourself gassy from time to time as it fiddles with your digestion. You only really have to worry if you hit critical saturation.”

Samuel felt himself genuinely starting to relax as the doe kneaded into his shoulders, easing some of the tension of life in this place out of him both by virtue of sharing knowledge, and her apparent skills as a masseuse. 

“How do I know if I hit that…?”

The nurse slid one of her hands up by the badger’s neck, wrapping it around. Her other had dipped back around to his rump for reasons he was unsure of.

“Well, you’ll start laying eggs as you get close to it. Now brace yourself, this might pinch.”

He really wanted to shout something substantially similar to ‘what the hell do you mean lay an egg!?’ but it didn’t happen. Mostly because he did indeed feel a pinch. The fingers around his neck closed tight, and a cold poking sensation drove into the nape of it. Moreover, a much more intrusive problem was happening around her other hand. She’d nestled it nice and snug against his ass, and the same chilly pricking sensation seemed to be tickling the base of his spine right as the edges of his vision began tunneling, and growing dark.


Samuel felt distinctly groggy as he opened his eyes. He seemed to be in his bed, laying on his side. Feeling loose, relaxed – maybe a little tingly around his neck. Something he was distracted from by lights at his side, something on his student’s tablet trying to get his attention. The flashing of numbers on his tablet showed two things – a new message, and that it was evening already. There also seemed to be a small lollipop next to the tablet that he wasn’t currently able to explain. He slid that between his lips before opening the message.

Hey Samuel! Just wanted to let you know everything looks fine. You got a little drowsy there, take it easy on yourself! I will continue monitoring your condition and let you know if anything looks amiss. –Nurse Ma’am

He felt himself blushing, trying to recall what happened – how he got here. All he could really get was that he had probably passed out on the doe’s couch. He could only hope he hadn’t caused too much trouble to get him back to the dorms.

“…How did I get back here anyway?” 

There was a squeak behind him that seemed to answer, not an animal squeak – more like rubbing a piece of rubber against something. Though as Samuel rolled onto his back to see what it was that had caused it he did find himself looking at a mouse, one that he’d seen before. One that had, as he recalled, helped him with his pants last time. The portly rodent drone was looking back at him, and seemed to be smiling. She reached out and put a smooth, purple hand up to his cheek and squeezed it. 

Then she tucked a little chocolate truffle into his mouth alongside the strawberry lollipop. 

Samuel shrank a little at the attention, pulling the sucker out – but eating the chocolate. He found himself with no idea how to react. Attention of this sort wasn’t a familiar thing, but all those warnings he’d just gotten were fresh in his mind. The mouse produced another though, probably had a basket of them down out of his field of vision or something. 

Somewhere inside, the badger’s internal argument ended. A loud, angry voice had shouted ‘just enjoy yourself while this happens dammit!’ and nothing else in him had been able to contribute a meaningful reason not to listen to it. Nobody had ever come seeking him, wanting to feed him – paw at him – even if this was a drone. It was the same one, it had – she had remembered him, and had really cute ears, even if they were coated in purple stuff. 

Samuel felt a pleasant kind of haze settle over his mind amid the steady flow of sweets, one that made it easy to lose track of time – and of how many he’d eaten. The drone didn’t mind, she had all night, as long as it took. She had a duffel bag full of the truffles, stuffed with undiluted condensed nutrient frosting and maybe just a tiny bit of sedative, with a willing participant to feed them to.


The doe ran her thumb over the edge of the clay pot as it came free of the fabricator. Samuel, Badger, minor drone seed bed infection it read. Carefully, she wrapped her fingers around it carried it back toward the one work station the room contained. Her supply of potting soil was there, some small amount of which filled the pot nicely, after which she pressed down into the dirt a pinkish nub with blue highlights.

“There, that should be just fine. Now to put you with your brothers and sisters, and if anything goes wrong you can just sing it out, and I’ll see to fixing the matter.” 

The doe set the pot down amid many others like it, blind to the faintly glowing purple hue in the earth. 

“Pretty sure I know what’ll happen though. The boy’s kind of cute, in a nervous way. No way the drones just give up on that one and let him go casual. Don’t you agree, children?”

Around her, dozens of plants with strangely smooth surfaces and odd looking leaves quivered, glowing faintly in the dank, dark air, and humming. A harmonious susurrus drew a fond, deep smile from the nurse’s face as she paced over to the doorway, fumbling a little for the handle.

“Yes, yes I thought so. Alright, back to sleep now lovelies.”

In the waiting room, the myriad students present saw the door part open, but couldn’t really make out who was behind it. All they saw was a hoofed hand, and the sweet, inviting voice that went with it.

“Next please!”



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