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HEY THERE! Sorry about the late post! We have a special treat this month! Since I've been sick for like half the month (untreated asthma and bad air quality has kept me DOWN ACK) my beautiful girlfriend has offered to step up and do the writing for this month's special promotion! Coming in at a whopping 2.3K words, VictorTheMaker helps illustrate Jenny and Diane's growing relationship under the lens of the camera! So strap on in, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and if you do, make sure to let our Vic know in the comments section <3

Contains wg/sub/dom/embarrassment/orgasms etc <3

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The couch sagged and groaned under Jenny's weight. The slightest shift, from the roll of her bloated, door-destroying hips to the adjustment of a fat-swaddled arm unleashed a chorus of protests. Those strained notes grew more so by the day, and in the back of her mind, the bloated pig of a mouse wondered exactly when it might give out. A blush kindled in her rounded cheeks at the possibility of this night being that moment, a fleeting idea that sparked a tingling heat in her core. Another appetite, one much more simple and powerful overrode it, however. The roar of her hunger rumbled through her belly with a force that set her quivering. It reignited the bashful fire in her plush face, and Diane's comment sent it tipping into an inferno.

"Patience, piggy," she chided lightly. "I'm almost done setting up. You'll have your dinner soon."

The promise of food set her mouth watering, a pavlovian response reinforced over weeks of training. What little resistance she might have still harbored for her predicament crumbled further, eroded by honeyed words. "Hurry, please," Jenny panted.

"Oh we are eager tonight," she crooned. The boulder of Jenny's middle hid the rabbit from view, though she heard a smile seep into those words. "I suppose I can't blame you. This is going to be your biggest stream to date."

A week's worth of teasing flooded to the fore of her mind. Jenny's thighs quivered and threatened to close, brought to trembling, helpless lust as she recalled the ad Diane had taken out for this stream. Whether or not it attracted more views was a concern secondary to her feeder's shameless parade across hundreds of inboxes. The mouse's breath caught in her throat when Diane mentioned hanging fliers in their old office, and it caught again just as surely again at the memory of that detail.

Before she recovered, Diane patted Jenny's inner thigh with a gentle affirmation. "That should do it," she smirked. 

The padded stand that supported her belly withdrew, and an avalanche of lard spilled into the space of the mouse's lap. There wasn't much, granted. Jenny's thighs hadn't fully parted in weeks, but the mass of her flabby apron ensured it found every available inch. Something between a moan and a grunt leapt from her chest with that impact, audible over the protests of her seat. Jenny shuffled again. Her rolls and folds hadn't settled quite right, and her brow furrowed with rising effort as she struggled to eliminate that odd pressure. She only stopped upon noticing Diane's voyeuristic smile. Jenny wobbled to rest, snout ablaze with embarrassment and anticipation. 

"Don't tire yourself out before we get started," Diane cooed. The petite rabbit leaned into Jenny's bulk and scaled her rolls, just enough to lay a caress on Jenny's cheek. "Ready?"

Academically, the feedee knew her answer didn't really matter. That didn't stop affection from welling up in her chest with the question, however. She nodded, affirmative.

Diane gave her chest a parting pat before sliding down the slope of her bulk. With a sway in her hips she approached her computer, and with the tap of a few keys went live. The red light of a mounted camera pierced the haze of Jenny's hunger, and from behind its lens she felt the weight of hundreds of eyes upon her. No amount of practice or preamble properly prepared Jenny for that rush, and she quivered while Diane gave her introduction. The mouse heard those spoken words, but didn't register their meanings. Instead her attention fixated on a monitor to Diane's side, a window into the thoughts and messages of her audience. Jenny's muzzle burned bright as offerings of surprise and affirmations, teasing and jealousy scrolled up its length. The speed of those messages increased as admirers, her admirers, packed the digital house. It wasn't long before they flew by too quickly to read, but she skimmed the gist of the shorter sentiments.

The sound of a cartoonish chomp broke Jenny's wavering focus, derailing her thoughts with a shot of hunger.

"Well, no time wasted tonight," Diane beamed. A second sound echoed the first, and the third followed as the rabbit took her place on the mountainside of Jenny's figure. "They're excited," she murmured into the mouse's ear. "Do your best to keep up."

Jenny answered with a sheepish, excited nod, and her body replied with a hungering rumble. When Diane smirked she dropped her jaw in needy expectation, and her feeder delivered. A slider, a quarter of the size a normal burger, pressed between her lips. It glided across her tongue and filled her maw pleasantly, until the second followed on its heels. Greasy bun and fatty meat muffled Jenny's sound of surprise, an utterance buried deeper yet under a third sandwich. The mouse worked her jaw and cleared the first of the stream's hurdles, sending those calories down into the pit of her stomach. The briefest of reliefs came when Diane's broadcast hitched, followed by a lengthening succession of sound effects.

Worry flashed across Jenny's eyes, and the hope that it was just a soundboard test staved off a small panic. That relief lasted until Diane wheeled her cart of prepared food closer. Normally she kept the thing out of sight, both to de-clutter the scene and hint at the illusion of an infinite supply. Those theatrics yielded to practicality however, and with a devious gleam in her eye, Diane brought out platter after platter. Each announced donation added a little more to the buffet piling on its top, a mound of food that grew with one of her hands and diminished with the other. Emoticons of food and snacks flooded the chat window, and hedonistic desire dueled with years of ingrained manners within the mouse.

For better or worse, Jenny found herself unarmed in that encounter. The fat that swallowed her arms kept them bound more effectively than any of Diane's straps, leaving her helpless to the rabbit's pace. That confident dominance at the core of her being faltered for an instant while the donations piled up, a crack that swiftly mended with a glance to Jenny's increasingly stuffed muzzle. The unspoken question of "are you still alright" tilted her head, and a subtle nod in response brought the feast to a new, reckless pace.

Flavors blended together in a heady rainbow, overwhelming and tangled. Most of the treats shoved passed her lips came form local fast food restaurants, businesses well acquainted with the nearly immobile mouse. Others were pastries of Sifton's make, and still more were joke offerings. More than a few salads and diet sodas stood in the ranks of the meal, and every one of them would find a place packed somewhere in Jenny's middle. After minutes of build, the stack of future flab dwindled in the presence of slowing donations. Regardless, Diane kept her pace and pressed morsels to Jenny's lips as if their livelyhoods depended on it. The edge of the mouse's hunger broke after sustained force feeding, but still her body demanded more.

Jenny's jaw ached, a weakness she overcame by simply not chewing. One or two motions was all she made, before swallowing her courses down nearly whole. The sight of those heavy bulges sinking down her throat and vanishing behind her chest sparked something in Diane's eyes, spurring her to test her feedee's speed. The mountain of a mouse watched the last of her servings squeeze passed her lips, and in the ensuing calm, leaned back and struggled to rub the tight expanse of her belly. Though lifting her arms was out of the question, exploring the packed dome of her being came slightly easier. Her breath caught in her throat with her own delicate ministrations, and she couldn't suppress the moan that followed when Diane joined in.

"Well well, looks like she's gotten pretty good at this~"

A humiliated heat blazed in Jenny's cheeks, and it only grew hotter when she realized the rabbit wasn't talking to her.

In the mirror of the broadcast their eyes met, and the shock of Jenny's transformation overtook her. The mouse couldn't remember the last time she looked at herself in a proper mirror. Even before her mobility left, finding one large enough to survey her entire body was no easy feat. Most full length mirrors lacked woefully in width, and anything wider fell outside of her waddling range. Those limitations did not apply to cameras, and they especially didn't apply to the one that watched her. Her jaw dropped.

Nestled against that tight bump, Diane was but a feature in her landscape. Jenny's stomach alone rivaled the rabbit in size, a detail that sent her chest fluttering. The sprawl of her lower belly dominate the rest of her figure, burying her legs in a spill of flab just shy of her ankles. In the back of her mind, the mouse knew that attempting to stand would close the rest of that gap. The visible rolls of her arms sank deep into the hills along her side, plush valleys that obscured everything below her elbows. Her thoughts stopped cold with the shock of it all, a realization that bubbled into her expression. Diane watched it roll across the mouse with a quiet giggle, a sentiment punctuated with a kiss to her feedee's flabby chins.

"Truly my magnum opus," she mused. 

A blunt, potent, undeniable bolt of arousal shot down her spine, shredding what meager resistance she may have offered her abundant reality.

"Drink it all in," the rabbit teased, beneath the threshold of the stream's microphones. "This is the smallest you'll ever be."

Jenny's breath left in a wanton moan, powerful enough to peak the microphone.

In its wake, Diane turned to the camera with a victorious grin. "I think she likes what she sees," she teased. "What does chat think about that?"

The monitor showcasing those lascivious opinions flared to life. Text rolled by faster than either could read, though specific words reoccurred with noticeable frequency. Fatass, piggy, lardslide, and a few others joined a list that formed neatly in Jenny's head, phrases that carried a particular combination of humiliation and affirmation. That conflicting swirl gathered in her chest and fluttered in her core, stoking a flickering lust well passed the point of no return. Diane's couch creaked and groaned with the rolling shift of her hips, sights and sounds that no one present could ignore. The moment simmered for several seconds, until broken by a sound akin to a vibrating phone.

Jenny's gaze met Diane's and the mouse's confusion broke into a blazing expression of realization. 

"It sounds like someone's donated enough to reveal my surprise. How generous~" While she spoke, the rabbit fetched her phone. The flash of a particular icon across its screen stopped Jenny's heart for just a beat, a pause broken by a thunderous burst of pleasure.

A whine keened in Jenny's chest, an outburst of embarrassed indulgence unleashed by a rush of bliss. Her thighs clamped down on the sinful device buried in the shadow of her belly, a futile effort to hang onto her last shreds of dignity. Their couch creaked and groaned under her twisting bucks, peaks of pleasure dulled only by her own weight. Concern flashed across Diane's face in that moment, dispelled by a wail of bliss just barely bit back. The rabbit's hands glided over the mouse's middle while she bucked and moaned and writhed in maddening bliss, yearning fermented by a broken need to salvage restraint and self control. Jenny's audience erupted with enthusiasm just as fervent as her own, though she was in no state to drink those encouragements in. The only thing to pierce that fog of rapture was Diane's voice, a whisper laced with dominance and command.

"Good pets don't hold back like this."

That single sentence was all it took. Rapture crashed down upon the couch-sized mouse, a torrent of carnality so quick in its strike that she lagged behind its sensations. Jenny's jaw dropped in a silent cry of bliss, paving the way for needy, guttural moan to spill out. Her legs shook and quivered behind the apron of her flab as she came, paroxysms of pleasure that rippled through the rest of her figure. Jenny's muscles trembled and locked with her surging climax, and she filled the air with squeaks and moans. Distantly she registered the text that flew across the far monitor, the admonishments and admirations of a hundred fans contained in a screen. All that attention mattered little in the moment, a span of seconds crammed too full with other sensations and emotions. She hardly noticed the cries of cracked and splitting wood, nor did she feel the sag of defeat beneath her.

Afterglow seeped into Jenny's muscles like a falling high, and her head swam in the aftermath of that orgasmic crash. She felt Diane leave her side and speak to the camera, words that went in one ear and out of the other. The mouse's chest heaved with racing breath, and her pulse pounded through her ears. Gradually she evened out, and when presence of mind returned, she found Diane waiting for her. The camera had gone dark, leaving the two of them in intimacy. A thousand emotions pressed against Jenny's voice and demanded form before the others, locking her in a dumbstruck silence. Every bit of it evaporated when Diane rubbed her belly and caressed her cheek.

"That was the best one yet," Diane snickered.

The layered meanings of that statement glided right over Jenny's lust-fogged head.

"We could get a new couch with tonight's donations."

The mouse only huffed and panted in reply, the blush across her muzzle response enough.

"Or we could leave it for a little while. It makes a nice throne, and you're more comfortable than it ever was anyway."

That suggestion struck a chord and sent a tremor down the mouse's spine.

Diane only smirked. "I'll go get the bucket and rag. Once you're cleaned up, we can figure out the rest of the night."




Fantastic work, that couch is a real trooper


RIP couch, hello Jenny belly seat/bed. Amazing work as usual Jenny.