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Ok some house keeping....

1) A big car company came to my main company with a rush job, so despite my every attempt to get JAW refurbished for the new years it wasn't. The job ends next week, I will post more.

2) Im dying, not really but kinda. Had surgery just before Christmas. Which wasn't fun, but Im basically recovered from that...... just in time for the baby to get a nasty stomach bug which me and the wife have. And let just say, managing work while living on a toilet and having a baby around the house that is literally exploding diapers is rough.

3) Tax man is calling. Due to tax stuff shifting I will have to raise the base patron rate a little to help cover the taxes due for 2023. It's a small raise, the upper tiers will remain untouched. 

4) Baby is sleeping more through the night, kinda. Now that Im getting some actual sleep, kinda, I will be able to get back to managing JAW in the am before I start at work. So fingers crossed, Ill be able to get us back to weekly posting structure. 

5) It was another rough year. I thank you all for putting up with me. It gets better starting now.


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