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It's my birthday next week and one of my writer friends made this for everyone to enjoy. So enjoy!

They say the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. This  sometimes assumes that a plan never anticipates things going crazy, at  least from an outsider's perspective. Imagine, however, if the person in  the middle of a plan fully expects - and desires - an outcome so  extraordinary, it would surely make every headline news from here to a  small outpost in Antarctica.
   This is the exact situation Isabelle  places herself in once in a excited blue moon. At least that's how she  explained it to herself to make it feel less like a regular occurence.  Truth be told, it was quite a regular event. With or without Dave, she  found time to explore some happiness in the best method she knew how:  WATER.

This was the beginning of the backstory that led her to a cabin in the woods, in any event.

It  was a chilly fall's afternoon in November as Isabelle shivered in her  t-shirt and shorts on a soft, serene walk. She hissed at the air,  grimacing with every muscle in her face as she huddled upon herself. She  rubbed her shoulders as she kept her arms crossed, her bare hands  twitching as much from rubbing as from the piercing cold wind that shook  her hair. A sneeze shot out of her, thankfully revealing no mucus -  though it sounded a bit moist.
   "Damn it, of all the times to  leave my coat," she said, stuterring faintly as she put one wide step in  front of another. They crinkled the leaves underneath her feet, kicking  up dust and gravel as she strode towards the cabin, a few meters ahead.  It felt like a prop in the distance to her eyes, taunting her as she  approached closer and closer. "I need to warm up quick, else I'm going  to be an icicle."

Within three minutes, Isabelle found herself a  feeble arc throw away from the front step. She smiled, just before  rumbling her lips to shake off the shivers still coursing through her  body. Her hands patted down her shirt and shorts, giving a little trot  to let her legs warm up. As she approached the door, she smiled and  eagerly stretched an arm out to reach the doorknob for the cozy,  welcoming warmth of the cabin's interior.
   A sound caught her  ears, which made her droop her lips to her side in despair, sighing  dejectedly as she perked up her ears in response. It was faint, but just  audible enough to give a telltale clue: water running like a small  river, trickling onto the ground and off to the side. Isabelle raised an  eyebrow as she heard it, walking off to the left side of the cabin to  investigate. Cautiously, of course, with her body weaving a bit to give  her an edge in any surprise encounters.

Isabelle immediately  discovered the source of the errant noise: a water hose connected to a  small tank filled with water next to the wall of the cabin. She  immediately slouched as water visibly trickled out from the hose,  creating a small river of mud in the dirt near by. It flowed downwards  near the front of the cabin, towards the street where it collected into a  small puddle.
   "Oh, fuck me," said Isabelle as she gingerly  walked towards it. She kept her shoes from touching the small river that  flowed, with threats of growth entering her mind. Sure, she thought,  the shoes would prevent any growth, but better safe than sorry. It meant  stretching her legs like a horse trying to nagivate, but she managed to  reach the hose without get even a drop upon her skin. She picked it up  just as gingerly, keeping the water away from her. "This tank can't be  storing that much any longer. We'll need to make another trip to the  store. Fuck these kind of vacations. I guess we shouldn't let this go to  waste, though, if we have to go get more anyway."

Isabelle's  eyes lit up as she raised both brows. She didn't smile but she was  tempted to. Instead, she walked softly towards the front of the house,  peeking over the corner like Solid Snake to see if anyone was coming in  from either side. No one was visible. No cars, no people, not even the  oft-seen squirrel running in the brush. This made her smile and nod, as  she quietly and quickly slid back behind the corner.
   She  immediately braced her back against the boards of the wall, left hand  holding the hose and right hand above the tap as she kneeled. She  swiftly put the hose into her shorts, right into where she could flow  the most water, and turned the faucet on to full. Cold water rushed into  her vagina furiously, making her shiver even more and clench her teeth  from the sheer force and temperature of the water entering her body.

It  was enough to make her stand up straight and place her right hand upon  the wall as a means of keeping steady. It smacked against the wall hard,  cracking the wood a tiny bit as she held the hose in with her left. Her  breathing turned heavy, her feet shuffling to try and keep steady as  her knees felt a cold front threatening them to buckle. She looked up  and down as she inserted the hose deeper, letting it stick inside her  and dangle the rest of itself out the front as she braced her other hand  against the wall.
   Isabelle felt herself raising and lowering her  body out of pure instinct, scratching her back against the wall as her  vagina filled with water and absorbing it as her body always done. It  was a feeling she easily remembered, images of Dave and her having sex  as her spine twinged with erotic electricity and her hands gripped the  boards of the wall like it was life or death. Her heavy breathing made  her breasts hem and haw as she waited for the inevitable to transpire.

Within  ten seconds from the start, she felt her back slide against the wall as  she grew. Her feet dug into the ground like horses kicking as she  forced herself stronger against the wall, gasping as she felt her shirt  tighten on her torso and arms. Everything about her swelled as she  accepted every ounce of water into her body, hearing the very cabin  creak gently against her increasing size and force.
   The shirt was  becoming a sarcastic version of itself, insomuch that it looked more  and more like a thin layer painted on Isabelle's growing better. Her  shorts receded a bit into her rear, as if attempting to floss her crack  with khaki fibers. The sleeves and legs of her clothes opened wider as  her legs and arms thickened and grew larger against them, precious  fibers snapping at key junctions. Her sneakers tored at the seams,  revealing toes and ankles as her feet burst from their confines.

Her  frame exploded to ten feet in height, everything growing in proportion  as she lowered her body to a seated position. Her feet dug a small  trench into the dirt, pushing the husks she once called her shoes off to  the sides and drenched in mud. They made her push against the cabin,  moving it remarkably a few inches away from her as her body managed to  grow fast enough to keep up. Her shorts and shirt became little more  than coarse confetti for the wind to blow away, like flags of war  drifting off into the sunset. Those that were on her rear side were  pinned underneath growing cheeks, the size of a small car combined, and  her back as it pushed the cabin further against the dirt.
    Isabelle blushed as she grew inch after inch, foot after foot of  glorious height. Her lower body skidded across the ground, leaving  massive indentations and piling up dirt in front of them like bulldozers  made of flesh. The cabin's foundation, already weakened enough to move  at this point, was turned to dust and ash as she moved into the twenty  foot range.

Her head peaked over the cabin's roof by a good  margin, resting it upon the cabin as best she could while cupping her  hands around what she could. It felt like a miniature built out of toy  logs, creaking and wobbling at the slightest touch. She kicked the  ground in front of her as water flowed further into her, feeling the  hose disappear further into her vagina like a snake hiding from the  world.
   Isabelle's vision blurred as her focus became too  difficult to maintain. Her arms and legs twitched as she felt the cabin  drag against the ground, digging up dirt and sand like a makeshift  shovel. She couldn't keep still, every inch of her body filling up with  ecstasy as she found her gaze turned to the sky. Water was treating her  well. At least . . .

It did until the most inopportune time. It  slowed down to a trickle, with Isabelle shouting 'NO!' at it in rapid  succession as she breathed deeply and nervously against the weakening  gusher. She leaned forward by pushing against the wall, which caused the  cabin to uproot and fall on its side with a mighty crash.
    Isabelle grasped at the hose anxiously, pulling it out swiftly from her  vaginal tract before she could even speak or think a second thought.  When she removed it completely and held it up to her nervous, twitching  eyes, her face fell crestfallen, giggling dejectedly as the hose's water  supply swiftly vanished before.
   "Damn it!" she said, pounding  the ground and making the immediate area shake. "I was almost there -  but you had to give up! Damn it damn it DAMN IT! What is there left to  take?!"

Her ears, swelling with tears, immediately checked around  the area for any sources of water. She stood, brazenly showing her  giant naked body to the world as she moved about, hoping to spy even the  slightest hint of water for her pleasure. Her mouth trembled as she  couldn't find a thing, but it immediately perked up when it found  someting.
   "THE LAKE!" shouted Isabelle, making the trees shake in  her wake. A huge lake down the road filled her head with images of epic  orgasms and sizes galore. She dropped the hose and to her knees as she  let a few tears drip down her cheeks. "This is going to be an amazing  vacation!" she said in between her tears of joy.

After Isabelle  lurched towards the lake, life made sure sure she had timeto enjoy  herself. Dave returned later than expected from his grocery run.

A  car pulled up to the driveway of the cabin, Dave banging his head (eyes  closed beyond all reason against it) to very audible metal music as he  slowed the car down to crawl. Putting it in park, he rocked an air  guitar to the music, moving his fingers and arms madly like a bear  twitching to the beat of a flopping fish. If anything, he spared the  world his shrill metal voice as he refrained from singing along to the  vocals.
   He ended his spectacle by mimicking the brief solo at the  end, crashing a fake stick against an equally fake cymbal and posing  victoriously as the song concluded its run. His sweaty hair and hands  gave enough indication this went on for quite a while, not to mention  highlighting the miracle that was him preventing the car from crashing  or sliding forward at the slightest momentum. With his monumental solo  complete, he switched off the radio and leaned back in his chair,  sliding a hand through his hair to feel the sweat between his fingers.

"Oh  god, can't go wrong with a good metal song," he said, enough out of  breath to keep breathing after every other word or so. He looked forward  and tapped his hands furiously against the steering wheel and smiling  broadly as he did so. "Now's the time for some grub! So long as, uh . . .  oh shit."
   It took him far longer (re: 'more than a second') for  his mind to completely register what laid before him. He opened his door  wide and slowly climbed out of the car, his left side emerging before  the right like a cautious Jeff Goldblum figuring out what actually went  down in Jurassic Park. His eyes seemed to twitch and glimmer under the  afternoon sun as his vision shown him the full extent of the spectacle  he came home to.

A cabin, overturned and laying on its side as  the road and dirt by its uplifted bottom coated and stained with water  and mud. A few birds pecking at the ground nearby, chasing after worms  that vacated their flooded homes. Not a sign of any human traffic  whatsoever, not even (at least from his distracted view) Isabelle, who  would be the first person he'd see anywhere if she was present.  Typically - and especially (usually?) when she grew beyond her usual  proportions.
   Dave slowly walked towards the remains the of the  cabin, whistling in mundane shock at the sight of the abode flat on its  side and everything visible inside in various states of disarray. He  leaned in towards one of the front windows, conveniently turned towards  the ground, and bobbed his head back and forth to better survey the  damage. Remarkably, the cabin was quite intact, save for the few broken  spots in the wall now at its top and cracked windows thanks to heavier  items and gravity adjusting to the new 'floor.'

"Holy  shit-tarts," said Dave as he turned to the right side of the cabin. Its  roof kept itself in place, though a few tiles did jettison off it unto a  couple of the nearby trees. He looked up to count each one mentally,  stopping at five as his mind grew quickly bored. "I can easily guess  what happened here. Water everywhere, sideways cabin like out of a  Buster Keaton short, animals that simply don't care. Missing Isabelle.  Yeah, everything matches up precisely to one thing and one thing only."
    Dave opened his mouth as if to continue, but the ground shaking  around him caused him to stop. He stared down the road in the direction  his car faced, his eyes widening impressively large as he slowly turned  his head up towards the sky like a camera catching a rocket ascend.  Pounding after pounding of the ground made him look higher and higher,  dropping his jaw about as much as his eyes grew, squeaking at the sight  approaching him.

It was Isabelle. There was no hiding from her,  no denying her. A few drops of water collided against the ground like  splashes of rain, her massive feet digging huge prints into the dirt.  She stood 70 feet tall, her breasts obscuring her torso even as her  gigantic arms and hands held them up. Her face blushed as she stepped  away from the hole that once housed the lake, moping as if she was  scared of Dave's potential reaction.
   She stopped close enough to  Dave to kneel, her humongous breasts hitting the ground with the might  of Godzilla smashing into a building. Everything around her shook as she  shouted out of embarrassment, leaning upon them to try and get a good  few of Dave. His face, of course, was drooling from the magnificent  dispaly of Isabelle's body, not even denying the erection he sported.
    "Dave?" she said meekly. Of course, 'meekly' at that size still  meant bellowing like a giant, though a rather seductive one. "I think we  should find a place for a little privacy. Or a lot of privacy in my  case."
   "How's the lake sound?" said Dave.
   "Um, frankly," said Isabelle said, scratching her cheek, "I'm okay with the lake. Or, um, what once was a lake."
   "Oh," said Dave, squinting his eyes.


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