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Another rather naughty story about Isabelle having some fun by her self...

Necessity  is the mother of invention, they say. Boredom might be the mother of  discovery, leading to the necessty. At the very least, boredom makes  people commit to crazy ideas - if they have a eureka moment, it is icing  on the cake. A shocked, amused cherry on a dull sunday in need of  excitement.
     Imagine, then, what must have gone through someone's head to unleash a  new device intended for sexual gratification. Dildos, vibrators,  battery-operated plugs that send information wirelessly to tablets to  record orgasms - someone somewhere felt it a good investment of capital  and man-power to produce new insight into the sexual thrills of  humanity. And these are ones that may get mentioned, considering the  sensitive nature of gratification (whether self-employed or with a  partner).

Was  it the challenge? Did their small village suddenly develop a market for  anal beads? Is there a quaint town known for their world record  performances in sex Olympics that needed more complicated attractions?  Did someone decide to boggle the minds of cleaning staff that had to  come up after their trysts?
     For Isabelle, it wasn't something so lauded as opening minds or  pushing envelopes. Those were for people with records to break and  status quoes to breach. All she needed was a few minutes to pass the  time when traditional, non-sexual pursuits failed. Boredom was a cunning  foe and sometimes dug its fingers so deep into her brain that only the  most erotic of pastimes drove it away.

Such  was the case one faithful evening. A weekday evening to be precise, the  hump-day of an unassuming week in the middle of November. Universe  loved irony and it was giving Isabelle one hell of a push to satisify  its irony needs as she sat on the sofa.
     In her right hand, she held a remote facing the monolith she called  'the television' in front of her. To her left rested a mostly empty  bowl, with the remnants of popcorn (and kernels) congregating at its  nadir. On her body was cherry red lingerie, silky as if it was spun  personally by a spider. Nothing was left to the imagination, save for  genitalia.

On  her face, in compelling contrast to her clothing choice, was a bored  scowl as she flipped channel after channel. The displayed channel number  rose rapidly, with images quickly flashed like a slideshow of  humanity's most eclectic televised hits. Game shows sped by, commercials  blared a single note of muzak before vanishing, and sitcoms belched out  a millisecond of canned laughter before relinquishing view to the next  millisecond of television.
     "No, no, no, no, no, no. GOD," said Isabelle as she leaned her head  back on the sofa's back rest. She unleashed a massive sigh unto the  ceiling before leaing her head forward again to see channels whip by at  the speed of unamused. "Lame, seen it, don't want to see it. Dinosaurs,  children with tazers, celebrity boxing matches. Commercial, commercial,  commercial. Dancing panda with a bowl over his head. What the hell am I  even seeing at this point?"

She  moaned with an annoyed burst of breath as she slammed the remote  against the sofa. It bounced and flipped over, managing to change the  channel once more before settling face-down upon the cushion. Isabelle  laughed sharply as she saw a Japanese game show end one of its routines.  It had something to do with trying to fit through the hole of a moving  wall.
     "Go figure this is the last one I land on," she said, picking at her  teeth with the fingernail of a pinkie. She freed a piece of popcorn from  her canines and sent it to the bowl. "God, I'm bored - and really  excited. Guessing he won't be back home soon for a quick one."

Isabelle  looked to her right and saw a picture of Dave in a small photo frame,  sitting comfortably upon a small pedestal beside the couch. She released  a seductive sigh as she gazed at it, feeling herself warm up swiftly.  She tried to cross her legs to hide the obvious sexual urges surging  through her crotch, but her body wasn't letting her.
     She tapped her fingers feverishly on various surfaces. She looked  about the room anxiously, unsure what to look at as she felt a swell of  eroticism throughout her body. A gaze at the Japanese commercial didn't  help, as the sight of water made her remember the last few times she  made love with Dave. The thought of growing made her bite her lower lip,  as well as grip the couch tightly in an effort to stave off the  inevitable.

A  clock ticked down the seconds, each one seemingly getting louder as she  blushed and sweated gently. Her breathing became harder as her brain  became unable to ward off thoughts of self-gratification. She gritted  her teeth and gripped so hard into the couch cushions as to dig a couple  of holes into them, exposing a slight bit of interior fluff.
     As she felt sweat drop down her cheeks, it was all she could bear.  With a mighty stride, she lept from the couch with a shout of  resignation and marched diligently towards the nearest bathroom. She  swung the door open hard, letting it hit the other side of the wall with  a mighty pound before she entered, slamming it closed behind her.

Isabelle  quickly pulled back the shower curtain, revealing the modest bath  behind it. The showerhead was a detachable piece of machinery held to  the tap by a bendable cord, which immediately belched out water as she  turned it on. Cold water trickled through her fingers as she let them  'dance' through it, feeling shivers down her spine as she bit her lower  lip.
     She leapt into the shower, removing the showerhead from its holster  and tilting it over her body to feel the increasingly warm water  envelope her. She sighed as water cascaded downward, first through her  hair like a heavy rainstorm taking her away to paradise. Soothing felt  like an understatement.

The  first signs of growth penetrated her mental image of paradise, as she  felt her feet slide against the porcelain tub. Her body grew in all  directions, taking her mildly by surprise and forcing her to react. As  she grew a few extra inches to her height, with related growth  elsewhere, she nearly tripped upon her naked feet slipping upon the  water flailing about thanks to her hands flailing about, looking for  something to hold onto.
     She braced herself by placing her free hand upon the shower curtain  rod, which made it shake and bend just enough to make Isabelle shout in  fear. However, she managed to grip it and stabilize herself while also  keeping everything inside the shower, assuaging her fears of safety  failure. She breathed deeply and sighed as she smiled nervously,  chuckling before feeling the water pour onto her again.

This  time, it was pouring against her vulva and, with nowhere else to go,  into her vagina and down her thighs. She hissed with glee as she felt  the warm water tickle her genitalia, shaking her knees - all of which  grew against the incessant flow of water from the shower head, with the  added benefit of arousal. Her hand grew heavier on the curtain rod, with  her mind occupied by the water satisfying her sexual urges.
     Isabelle squeaked as she pressed the shower head against her vulva,  forcing water to flow inside her (when it wasn't dripping outward). It  felt like rain tickling her vaginal tract, a warm flood of erotic energy  flowing through her. She grew against its pleasurable feeling, sticking  the shower head further into her as the opening became more  accommodating - and her desires urging her forward, harder.

Her  breathing intensified, her growing knees shaking as she filled up with  water through her newly beloved source. She kneeled down as she felt her  bones and muscle turn to rubber against sexual excitement, her hand  pulling down on the rod harder. The rod was firmly affixed to the walls,  and she heard it breaking free of its restraints, which meant she would  only grip it harder to ensure its demise.
     Seven feet tall and gritting her teeth underneath eyes which  vacillated between opened and close, Isabelle humped the shower head as  she firmly planted her knees upon the tub's floor. It cracked underneath  her growing girth, her legs feeling tighter against the tightening  width and length of her tub. It felt more and more like she stepped into  a porcelain bucket with a thin, wispy shower rod being the only thing  hiding her from view of he outside world.
     "Oh god, oh god," she spoke deeply, her hands gripping onto the shower  head and shower rod as if clinging for life. The rod felt like it was  about to snap, which made Isabelle kick her head up momentarily. "Oh  sweet god, this is such a bad idea but so . . . right."

Eight  and a half feet of Isabelle conquered the bathroom, shattering the rod  she held onto like a twig. What she held onto fell alarmingly fast onto  the edge of the tub, followed by the floor, whipping both and sounding  like she hit a gong. Her arm hit the edge of the tub as well, causing  her to wince as she grew faster, her legs and feet tightly kept within  the tub's parameters - if barely, as she heard the tub creak and crack  from the strain.
     Upon losing hold of the rod, Isabelle hoisted her free hand onto the  shower head, using both hands now to force it inside her vagina. It felt  looser with each passing seconds, more and more of the plastic and  metal device fitting inside like a modified dildo. Water tickled every  inch of her interior, feeling like she was getting poured into by  numerous lovers.

Nine  foot Isabelle loomed over the quickly 'shrinking' room, her head ducked  to avoid hitting the ceiling too soon. Both hands drove the shower head  into her faster and harder, as if hoping to strike oil. She screamed  louder and louder, her voice echoing incredibly as it bounced off the  tile walls. Her vision blurred, unable to focus on a single point as she  squirmed and pivoted as best she could.
     It was becoming clear the space was inadequate to hold her. Her feet  and legs felt the pain of squishing against the tub as she forced  herself harder on the shower head. One hand let go of the head and  braced itself against the wall in front of Isabelle. She scootched back  as best she could, feeling the tub crack even more as she drove herself  harder towards orgasm.

Pain  and pleasure combined into a cornucopia of self-gratification that  propelled Isabelle to finish it. Damn the height, damn the tub, damn the  expense of fixing the bathroom! Approaching ten feet and she was  gasping for air like a fish out of water. Her throat was feeling dry and  hoping for an orgasmic ending to her perilous situation as she pounded  the sdhower head into her with the force of a hurricane. Nothing was  standing in her way.
     With one more push of the shower head and scream from her lungs,  Isabelle unleashed an orgasm so loud it might as well have been what  shattered the tub. The tub broke into a million pieces, Isabelle falling  forward and collapsing upon its remains as her bracing hand slipped. It  fortuitously hit the water off as she fell, her head knocking against  the tile walls like a pendulum finding its resting place.

From  above, it looked like she was in a doll house, in the fetal position  quivering in a bathroom too sizes too small for her. Water was  everywhere, mingling with her cum as she smiled broadly and breathing  slowly. Serenity washed all over her face.
    "I, huff, must do this, huff, again," she said, bearing all her teeth.


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