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You wanted naughty? Here's naughty

Outside the house, the snowstorm continued to spiral furiously into the
horizon. Nothing was clearly visible, disappearing in the white haze and
 wind as snow packed up taller, turning everything into a dangerous
winter wonderland. The car, once a proud means of transportation, was
completely covered in white, little more than a snowy hill for birds to
collide into mistakenly and use as a temporary roost.
    Inside, it
was decidedly more heated. It wasn't due to the internal temperature
being especially high. Granted it wasn't nearly as cold as the exterior
temperature reached, but 65 degrees was hardly cause for alarm or heat
stroke. Instead, it was the active play of the two occupants, who
decided to take the seclusion and lack of other options to participate
in one of humanity's greatest pastimes.

From inside the bedroom,
it sounded like a giant thrashing its prey just beyond its closed door.
It soared in volume, furniture being turned upside down, backwards, and
sideways as Isabelle and Dave moaned into each other. And moaning, while
 the beginning of their audio escapades, was the only thing either of
them could muster as far as sounds go. Language failed to project the
right amount of eroticism and lust filling their bodies, each inch and
pour shivering from the sheer pleasure shaking their nervous systems.

  The door fell clean off its hinges and flat onto the floor as Isabelle
 slammed her very naked feet against it, while holding onto Dave and
kissing him passionately. Dave, now naked along with his eight foot
lover, was held firmly against her and 'in' her by means of Isabelle's
canyonesque cleavage, the two of them wrapping arms around each other
like tentacles violently wrestling clams open. Neither their hands nor
their fingers could stay in one place, rubbing and pinching every inch
of skin they scrammed across, hoping to scour themselves free of any
further hesitations - as if they still had any hesitations left.

 they swiftly approached the bed, Dave's back heading towards the
mattress as Isabelle took to a freefall, their kisses became quite
juicy. They vacillated between kissing, puckering, sucking, and a vague
chewing-like sound that seemed more like they were letting their tongues
 clean the insides of their mouths. If either of them knew English prior
 to this moment (and they certainly did), their sexual banter at this
point chose not to acknowledge that skill and resort instead to these
beastly, sexual moans and groans, unleashing an animalistic lust unto
the entire house.
    The duo collapsed onto the mattress with a
might fall, springing on it like parachuting couples in the fits of
exercise highs. Their bodies squirmed about, their limbs twitching and
moving like worms as Isabelle scooted the two of them back to the bed's
headrest. Her and Dave's heads gently collided against the wood, without
 so much as a word from either of them as they began licking each
other's faces, looking for the slightest patch of dry skin to drench in

Isabelle lorded over Dave as she braced herself with her
elbows and knees, breathing so hard as to make her huge breasts heave
like fleshy balloons. She tossed her hair back, horse-like, as sweat
scattered everywhere across the room, glistening and accenting their
mood like fireflies coming out to celebrate. Dave, not missing a beat
while pinned under Isabelle's pillowy breast abyss, gyrated his penis
between her boobs, rubbing where it couldn't reach to great effect.

  Isabelle bit her lower lip and grabbed onto the mattress with amazing
strength, tilting it towards her just so in order to make Dave lean
harder against her bosom. Her nipples felt erect, pushing against the
mattress with erotic strength, forcing the mattress back down and making
 it rock the bed hard. So much force when into it, the bed even moved
back further and hit the wall, making Isabelle and Dave shake madly
while in mid-coitus. This made Dave bury his head even deeper into
Isabelle's warm cleavage, licking every inch he could with his dexterous
    "Oh sweet god, keep doing it," said Isabelle as she
leaned against her breasts. The bed creaked and moaned along with her
and Dave, as if it had a nervous system tied to theirs, with the legs
roaring loudly as if a ship was passing through. "I need to know you're
going to make this the best winter ever, like damn!"
    "Best one
year anniversary, you mean," said Dave as he gripped tightly at
Isabelle's bosom. She screamed with pleasure and pressed her crotch
against him as best she could, feeling his legs tickle her while he
thrusted his hardening cock between her sensitive cleavage. Each
pounding made her throw her head back in glee.
    "Unh! Unh! Unh!"
she shouted as the bed felt like jumping with each cock thrust sending
her higher into ecstasy. "You remember, you sly devil! For that, I'm
giving you heaven on Earth right now!"

Isabelle turned herself
about, sitting her majestic crotch upon Dave's upper body, her breasts
lodged over his waist like she wanted to wedge his cock between her
breasts. Each time she moved, she made the bed creak even louder, her
giant feet braced against the headboard like she was going to push
herself off for luge. Dave's erection turned even harder, somehow
managing to peek up through Isabelle's brilliantly big cleavage like an
oil rig ready for service.
    Without hestitation, she pressed her
crotch against Dave's face, who immediately licked it sloppily. His
tongue wandered from crotch to thighs to crotch again, making Isabelle
squeak and shiver as her body blushed all over and gently humped his
face. With the remaining control she experienced, she leaned in upon
Dave's large erection and slid it into her welcoming mouth.

 mountains kept Dave's rig in place, feeling its throbbing vibrations
against their sensitive, tight skin. She moaned deeply as she stuck his
penis deep into her throat, licking it vigorously as if to find its
creamy center. Each time she pivoted up and down against the cock, Dave
was victim to her pussy squishing him, his tongue dancing across it and
his hands rubbing her thighs in a concerto of pleasure and massage.

  Isabelle widened her knees apart farther as her mind raced from the
taste of cock slowly hardening in her mouth, the hint of cum flowing on
to Dave's tip. As Dave's cock rose higher, she leaned back to sit her
pussy and clitoris upon his welcoming face and hands, both of which went
 furiously deeper into her. Spelunkers never anticipated caves to feel
like cumming after a good dive, but Dave soon found himself spelunking
in the greatest place of all.

Isabelle rubbed her genitals harder
 against Dave, who inserted his fists and tongue into her pussy with the
 eagerness of a gopher digging his way to freedom. Fingers tickled and
traced the vulva, the tongue drilling into her vagina. Moisture
developed on both as Isabelle groaned against Dave's cock, which bubbled
 up more cum to the surface.
    His cock felt Isabelle's teeth
'combing' it gently, her tongue sliding on side as she thrust it deeper
into her throat. Pre-cum already coated her esophagus, and the show was
beginning to climax. No words escaped their lips, no hesitation stopped
their tracks. Dave drove his fingers deeper into Isabelle's vagina when
he wasn't working it with his tongue, with Isabelle holding onto his
penis tight with one hand and sliding it up and down to pump it good.

 it was a magnificent pump, sending Dave into pleasured convulsions as
his eyes rolled slight back to watch the 'sky.' Of course, all he saw
was Isabelle perched on him, which was all he needed. Isabelle,
meanwhile, breathed harder and faster, tilting back and forth to get the
 full extent of Dave's help. She began to stare at a point somewhere
beyond what she was looking at, unable to focus on anything in
particular. It was then they both knew.
    They felt the dam waters
rising, and it was already opening the floodgates. Timing it with each
other perfectly, Isabelle and Dave belted out a roaring shout, feeling
ounces of cum flood out of them and onto/into their partners. Isabelle
eagerly drank up Dave's cum as she felt hers slide down her thigh and
Dave's tongue lapping up every ounce he could before they stopped.

 and moans shook the foundation of the house, overpowering the sound of
the snowstorm outside. Their screams disturbed the trees and animals,
all of which shook from their intensity. All they knew was that two
beasts erupted in orgasm inside the house, rupturing the peace one and
for all. And as the two passed out from said intensity, Isabelle and
Dave knew they had to go again when they could.



Again well written but something butchered the formatting.


Hmmm. Seems to be an issue with pasting from the shares doc me with. I'll try and fix this for future posts.