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A very talented artist made some Isabelle fan fiction for everyone here and at the DA page to enjoy. If you like it let us know and maybe she'll write more.

                PART 1

"You couldn't have timed this any better, could you, Dave?"

 wasn't HAL-9000 speaking to his human crew member, but in a way it
didn't matter. Isabelle's tone matched HAL's deadpan delivery pretty
well, if lacking the cold robotic voice, and to her own companion
so-named Dave. The left half of her face was firmly planted on (re:
squished against) the window of a cozy cabin, eyes stuck in a familiar
expression of mild disappointment. Her winter clothes made sure she
didn't shiver, a fact made all the important considering . . .
   . .
 . What happened outside the cabin. Isabelle twitched an eyebrow as she
couldn't see much, not even the driveway or the car they stowed stupidly
 outside the garage. She saw next to nothing as everything was largely
obscured by a blizzard of sinister proportions. Wind howled and
snowflakes twisted in all directions, as if attempting to recreate the
tornado scene in Wizard of Oz using a vacationing couple and enough snow
 to recreate New York for snowmen.

Isabelle's left cheek turned
redder by the second as she grumbled, her face grimaced into resigned
dejection over the flurry overcoming their holiday plans. Behind her, on
 the comfiest sofa the cabin provided in its fair living room and facing
 the television with a remote in is hand, was her comrade-in-arms, Dave.
 He casually flipped through channels, a few showing as much snow as the
 view outside - if with noticeably more ear-piercing fuzz sounds
accompanying it. Neither of these facts really helped Isabelle's
situation as she began to show her teeth.
   "Is there some reason
you didn't check the weather report for abnormal weather patterns?" said
 Isabelle, her face still affixed to the cold window glass. Her words
sounded 'squished' as she leaned a bit harder against the glass, making
her cheek feel colder - and blush a deeper shade of crimson. "This
would've been a great thing to plan for!"
   "What, the snow?" said
Dave. His face stared dully at the television as he stopped channels on a
 game show. It was Wheel of Fortune, as much as that made a difference,
with the notable sound of the wheel spinning furiously after a rather
impressive turn. "We knew there'd be snow, considering we booked a cabin
 in the mountains. In winter, may I add."
   "Not that, you goof!"
shouted Isabelle as she gazed piercingly at the snow before her. "This
is the worst snowstorm we've seen since living in this state and it
looks like it's getting worse!"

"Well, yeah, there is that," said
 Dave with drab articulation. Isabelle clicked her tongue at Dave's lack
 of reaction to this. "The report said it'll die down by tonight, though
 I don't think that's the part we need to worry about."
   "Really now, Mr. Meteorologist?" said Isabelle. "What should we worry about?"
   "Your face getting to stuck to the cold glass. I mean, we both say Christmas Story and I don't think . . ."
   "What?!" shouted Isabelle.

 immediately retracted her head from the window, at least as much as she
 could. She just as immediately met the resistance of one of winter's
numerous traps: skin sticking to the aforementioned glass. Whether it
was moisture or thermodynamics or sheer stupidity that got her there,
her cheek found a new temporary home upon the window, stretching and
sounding like peeling rubber. To say it hurt was an understatement.

  "Owowowowowow," stammered Isabelle as her cheek stood firm against the
 glass's stone cold surface. "Getitoffgetitoff! Owieowie! THIS SUCKS
   "Hold still, I'll get the castor oil or warm water,"
said Dave as he unplanted his keister from the sofa, revealing a
Dave-shaped dent in the cushion. "This won't take long."
sure, it won't seem long to you because you're all fine and - wait,
water?" said Isabelle. "Damn it, so early?! Pfff, can't we just tug at
   "If you prefer to look normal again, water is the preferred method."
   "Ugh, fine. Just make it small!"

 to her demand, Dave returned with a small bottle of steaming water,
holding it with mittens for the sake of sparing his fingers. He applied a
 modest amount of water between Isabelle's cheek and the glass, making
Isabelle hiss from the heat. She squirmed against the temperature
assaulting her skin, though her wriggling and tugging against the window
 proved fruitless. Dave, in his dopey way, patted her on the back to
assure her.
   What proved fruitful immediately was a modest growth
response. The sound of peeling and stretching rubber returned as
Isabelle felt her cheek run against the surface of the glass, her body
tensing up and growing all around. Her body closed in on six feet,
making her cringe and grit her teeth against the window - which seemed
to slowly release its grip as she felt some of her cheek free itself
from its temporary prison.
   "That worked!" she shouted, making
Dave wince a bit as the growth meant she had slightly larger vocal
chords to match. "Just a little more, thankfully! Owowow."
   "Stop tugging so strongly and let the water work!' said Dave as he splashed just a bit more upon her cheek.

 as water slid between Isabelle's cheek and the window, she absorbed
some of it and grew a little larger. Her feet scraped against the floor,
 making her nearly buckle at her knees as she pushed harder with her
hands. She grew a little over six feet, barely a couple of inches added,
 though her breasts and rear saw a tiny bit of extra development. Her
moans and groans as she pushed away from the window gave Dave enough to
get excited about, which he transferred to tugging at her body to ensure
 she freed herself.
   Tugging and tugging, her cheek painfully
releasing itself from the window's vice. Isabelle's teeth grinded as she
 felt the last few bits of skin peel away from the cold glass, Dave
using his hands to pull at her torso. Their heavy breathing became in
sync as they heave-hoed and took one final big pull with great force.

 certainly helped, more than they anticipated. With a final shout of
pain, Isabelle felt the cheek turn free - causing her to fall back
against Dave's waiting body, both collapsing to the ground. The wooden
floor provided a tough landing for them, which their lungs gave their
opinions of by releasing pained shouts upon contact.
scratched the back of her head as she sat up, with Dave upon the floor
on his back and breathing a bit labored. If it wasn't clear before, it
was clear now that Isabelle grew taller than Dave from the water he
provided to aid in her escape. She looked at him, slightly in awe,
feeling like a giant next to her partner. The thought of it made her
chuckled as she leaned in to kiss Dave, who blushed.
   "What was that for?" asked Dave.
   "For keeping cool," said Isabelle.


 snarling snowstorm continued to envelope everything in its path. It
scaled back just enough to allow Dave and Isabelle to see the thin,
shadowy sihoulette of the car parked outside, left to collect snow and
ice without a chance to rev its engines. Beyond that, it looked like a
ghostly winter wonderland outside, snow and sleeting packing inches deep
 onto anything they touched, like Jack Frost's personal sleeping bag.

    Inside the house, a kettle of hot chocolate slowly warmed up on a
small stove, with Dave overlooking it like a witch learning how to brew
potions. At least, he looked like a stoned witch with a nervous face
watching a brown potion's aroma become more pronounced over a dull heat.
 The hiss of the fire was faint but complimented the slowly bubbling
concoction, releasing the occasional pocket of air to the surface in the
 form of a small, almost cute bubble.

"It's starting to bubble,
Izzy!" shouted Dave, inexplicably without turning his head or releasing
his gaze from the chocolate consumed in a slow rolling boil. Isabelle
responded with a smidgen of noise barely considered of human origin,
rolled out in an equally shouted capacity. "It already smells great over
 here. Can you smell anything over there honey? Any of the chocolate at
   Dave finally turned around when Isabelle let out a solid
snort, again nothing resembling human speech beyond rudimentary noise
comparison. He raised both brows in curiosity. "Honey?" Isabelle groaned
 once more at him, while he reached for a thermos next to the stove.

 sat on the couch, eyes firmly shut and cheeks blushing red. She wasn't
tired per se, her mouth twisted into a frowning scowl as the news of the
 blizzard and its accompanying low temperatures kneaded around in her
mind. Each mention of 'below 50' made her shake her head in dismay,
enough to make her open her eyes and sternly watch the broadcast.

 "Keep yourself safe by remaining indoors!" announced the weather
reporter, wildly gesturing towards shapes, colors, and numbers projected
 onto a green screen that indicated, supposedly, a blizzard front
continuing north. "The storm is pressing south towards the highway, so
anyone hoping to catch an early live will - wait, north? Really? Are you
   "Good grief," said Isabelle as she smiled at the report's
 flaws. "So much for quality coverage, am I right? Although I shouldn't
really complain."

Isabelle squirmed in her clothes, which now
barely fit her and exposed her breasts. Her pained expression indicated
she didn't particularly care for the bra now being tightly wrapped
around her bosom, along with her shorts being booty-shorts, riding up
into nigh-thong territory. Each movement she made meant fabric
stretching and crinkling against one another, whether it was her
clothes, the sofa, or both, even as she didn't occupy much more room
than normal.    
   "It's a shame we can't enjoy the wintery
goodness outdoors," said Isabelle with a resigned sigh, digging her
shoulders into the sofa's back cushions. Her pouty face returned, with a
 burble of air fluttering out of her lips as she muted the weather
report. "So much we could've done with the extra space."
   "I think there's plenty we can do around here," said Dave as he approached the sofa.

 leaned the warm thermos against Isabelle's waiting neck, making her
inhale a sizeable chunk of air as she turned her head towards it. The
heated metal exterior made her smile and release a sigh as if taken into
 a spa, smiling gracefully at her knight in shining armor providing her a
 much-welcome respite from the cold. As Dave sat down next to her, she
cupped her hand around his head and pulled him towards her, kissing him
gently on the cheek.
   "Oh my god, you have no idea how good that
feels," said Isabelle as she gazed him directly into his eyes with a
starry stare. "I need a good warm drink about now."
   "Aren't you worried you'll be confined in this space?" said a quizzical, if blushing, Dave.

    "Oh, no, quite the opposite," said Isabelle with a Chesire grin,
moving to straddle Dave's lap and face him directly. "In fact . . ."

 swiftly took the thermos from his weakened grasp, twisting off the cap
like a raccoon opening a garbage can lid. It flopped to the ground as
she tossed aside and immediately brought the open container to her lips.
 With no hesitation in her body language, she chugged the thermos'
entire contents like it was barely there, each gulp sounding like
burbling oil rushing down.
   Isabelle's body responded immediately
to liquid treatment, her clothes stretching further to the breaking
point as every inch of her expanded larger and outward. Her six foot
frame grew half a foot at least within a minute of introducing chocolate
 in her system, swelling up like an Amazon on the prowl.

bolted out her of as she wrapped her hands around her growing breasts,
each about the size of her head as she encroached upon seven foot in
height. The tight bra made her grit her teeth tightly, feeling it
confine her breasts remarkably well despite being clearly for someone
far smaller than she is now. Her rear followed so, tear a hole in the
back of her pants and causing her shorts to fall to her knees
   Her broad shoulders turned her top into little
more than shredded tissue paper, ripping it cleanly in half at the back
while her arms broke free of the cloth's limitations. The sleeves thus
burst nearly out of existence, the entire shirt looking no better than a
 discarded set of napkins that just so happened to have buttons. Her
shoes torn clean off here feet, looking worse than hobo shoes as their
hollow husks slid across the floor in various directions.

 passed eight feet in height, her bra being the last hold-out against
the rising tide of flesh straddling Dave's increasing erect waist. Gasps
 and wheezes left her lungs, thoughts of erotic nature swelling in her
brain. Sweat slid down her vast tracts of flesh, with the widest grin
plastered on her face as she licked her perky lips.
   It didn't
take long for the bra to burst free of her flesh as she felt the last of
 her spontaneous growth grip her, shivering her spine in sheer ecstasy.
Thanks to her arms crossed against her bosom, now double her head in
size, it had nowhere to go - though the straps slapped off her back with
 such force as to whip her hands, causing her to shout in temporary
pain. Her chuckling suggested she enjoyed the brief change of pace,
pressing herself against the waiting Dave, who was by now unsure where
to look.

So he chose everywhere to look.

Isabelle smiled
at him beamingly, tickling his chin as he stuttered nonsensically at her
 direction. Her laughter was jovial and seductive, eagerly waiting his
response as she gave him one line to munch on mentally.
   "I think we'll be getting ourselves pretty damn warm soon," said Isabelle.


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