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Welp time is short and I'm busy with EVERYTHING, soooo if you have any ideas for some silly holiday pinups please let me know. I'm doing write ups soon and I'm just drawing a blank on what to do. Thanks for any suggestions you can send over!

Baby is due in 7 weeks. SO Im trying to write out several months of ideas i can draw on. I'm feeling better this week and have every intention to keep JAW open when I have the new kiddo. It will be rough but I know how important the art is to everyone.




Snow angels. One is considerably larger (and curvier) than the other.


I wish you luck on everything in your life and hope it all goes well!


Snow ball fight, but since snow is water, I think you get the idea.


Santa cosplay but Annabelle can't fit down the chimney because it has an active warm fire


A female Santa Claus that stumbles upon some treats, every cookie she eats makes her double in size(GTS) and every drink of milk slowly grows her breasts(BE)


Doubling in size several times might be a bit much, buttttt I do like this idea and it willl be done :P


Maybe each bite only increases a little with a total cookie equaling x2 :)

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Isabelle goes shopping for holidays clothes (like an elf costume, or sexy underwear) but when she goes out it’s snowing outside. She’s in a rush so she go straight to the shop and tries different clothes. What she didn’t thought about is the snow she is currently absorbing that fell on her, slowly melting, stretching her christmassy fabric