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To fill some time as I render things at work feel free to drop any questions here! If there are any good ones I'll get them made into images as responses. Questions can be for Isabelle or for me or just about JAW in general.



(Kinda new here) Ever post "large-scale" pieces of your art? Like a poster or something the size of a body pillow? Have you ever wanted to create long comics regarding your style of art?

Christopher Guerra

Just going to say, I am very impressed with the frequency and quality of your work. May I ask where you're employed? Or at least the nature of your job?


Why thank you. It's taken a good deal of work to get the artist roster where it is today. They all do amazing work. I actually own a motion graphics company and work full time at it as the lead animator. So yes its ironic that I cant actually draw Isabelle, but I can animate her if Im given the assets to do so.


Welcome to the party! And I hope you've been enjoying everything so far. I have considered doing a poster-sized image. We did the standee for the holiday season but they didnt sell really at all. I'm all about what the community wants, so I could certainly look into doing a poster.


As for body pillow, thats never crossed my mind before. Id have to look into it more. And yeah Id love to do longer form comics. When you say that what lenght are you thinking of? And what type of story(as a starting point)?


This is why sometimes I cant post for a few days or things get away from me. The business is very consuming. And its growing(I love making things bigger), we just hired two new full time animators to assist me. Eventually, Id like to open a small adult animation division to do some longer form JAW animations. But animation is expensive :P


I was thinking more of like an "All-in-one" style comic where you create a long comic, but with different mini skits (let's say 10 pages each story) in one book.


Ahh so a compilation of short one-offs? That's certainly possible. I could start doing a comic in the background and release the whole thing at once. But that would offline my comic guy from making other content for a month or so, 10 pages costs around $400+ to make so could be possible to do soon if the monthly income keeps increasing.


Here's a question for Isa. What's the craziest situation that you've ended up absorbing water to grow?


Hmmmm, that is a good one. There was that one time in Mexico where I might have absorbed most of a pool to save a drowning swimmer. And of course when I was the "monster" in that silly college film, that might actually be a comic coming up soon ;)


Another question for Isa. While you probably can get anything you want with your charms. Have you ever been to a beach by the ocean and say...thought about just standing next to it and making demands from your boyfriend? Like, give me what I want, or else I take a dip in the Atlantic?


Im not going to say that threatening a major metro area with my assets hasn't gotten me an extra scoop of icecream before. :P