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  • Ok the art issue has been resolved for now, we are going to try a month of just comic pages form them with the goal being 6-7 pages. To make up for the lack of art the last few weeks, I'll be posing the roughs for these two pages!

Page 8 

Panel 1 Both Annabelle and Allen are sitting on her sofa, they’ve been talking

Annabelle “So yeah it’s weird, I grow bigger in the heat and my sister grows bigger when she gets wet with water. I was going to mention it sooner but I really wanted to enjoy our first real date. I know it’s a lot to take in.

Allen “I mean it makes a lot of things make more sense, you’re sisters in the news rather frequently. Had no idea you two were related.”

Panel 2 Annabelle sighs, her growth has halted for now. 

Annabelle “She really hasn’t figured out controlling it, I try and keep things “smaller”. And you’re not spooked by all this? Still want to date?”

Panel 3 Allen is looking at her swollen tits. Half trying to hide a massive erection. 

Allen “Yes! But can I ask for a demonstration?”

Panel 4 Annabelle stands up showing off her body, shes oozing that over the top sexy milf body

Annabelle “What last night wasn’t enough? You want me to grow bigger?

Allen “I find all of this so unbelievably sexy. And I love big curves… so win win?

Panel 5 Annabelle is getting out a hair dryer from a near by table while Allen watches her ass. 

Annabelle “Sooo what do you want me to demonstrate on first?



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