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It's been quite a bit longer than usual since I updated my Patreon, but that's partly because I was vacillating on an important decision. See, it was actually my original plan back when I was refurbishing this account that each month, I would alternate between male and female subjects. The first few months had all male ticklees specifically because a lot of the people who are subscribed have voted for males consistently, but I actually like tickle stuff of both genders (though I can understand why some of you would not like female stuff as much). That said, I was thinking of reverting to the original plan, and having this month's reward be of a female character, then next month having a male one, the month after that having a female, etc. I think it would offer more gender variety and hopefully attract more subscribers who like /F, so I can broaden my customer base and provide "something for everyone" as they say.

If you agree with this reward, say "Aye!" If you say "Nay!", please leave an explanation as to why and what you'd prefer instead (since it'd imply you'd prefer if I focused only on one gender). So, what do you guys think? Is alternating between guys and girls for the monthly rewards okay?


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