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Jurassic Park: Trespasser (PC) + Jackass: The Game (PS2) Review - A-Z of Licensed Games

Follow me on Twitter!: http://www.twitter.com/KimxxxJustice Support my Patreon!: http://www.patreon.com/KimbleJustice Another day, another entry in the A-Z...1998's Jurassic Park: Trespasser is an epic, sprawling tale of insane promises, missed opportunities, and limited time. Had the developers got it right, they could have made a game that pushed the FPS genre forward by a couple of years at least...instead, the bugged and botched final release was savaged and mocked by all, some even regarding it as one of the worst PC games ever made...while I'm not here to say that Trespasser is a GOOD game, I will say that there's something about it, and it IS, contrary to popular belief, well worth playing. There's plenty of good stuff in the honourable mentions, including - of course - more Jurassic Park games. Two MD action titles, an odd hybrid SNES title, and the very solid Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis - kind of like Theme Park only the dinosaurs eat all your visitors. We also have a thoroughly average Judge Dredd game, the classic Jackie Chan's Action Kung-Fu, the somewhat entertaining Jaws: Unleashed, and...Journey. An arcade game where you control the band and do...honestly, I don't know what the hell you're even doing. The shit room title today is an odd one, seeing as the game itself actually ISN'T shit. But in all honesty, where else would something like Jackass: The Game fit in? As you'll soon see, the shit room's the perfect place for it. Enjoy the video!


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