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Top 10 Star Wars Games - Kimble Justice

Follow me on Twitter!: http://www.twitter.com/KimxxxJustice Support my Patreon!: http://www.patreon.com/KimbleJustice Well...this is it - inevitably, we would have to come to Star Wars. There is no other licensed game franchise even close to it - we're talking dozens, if not hundreds of games...and I'm taking on the task of doing a top 10, despite not really being much of a Star Wars fan at all. Still, while I'm hardly able to play ALL the Star Wars licensed games, doing this list has given me a new-found affection for the series that I didn't have before...plus, the games are pretty freaking good. So enjoy the list! Some of the choices may be a lil' controversial, but it's only one man's opinion.


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