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Kimble's 3,000 Subs Week: Dys4ia Review (w/ commentary)

Why hello there! To celebrate reaching 3,000 subscribers, I decided to do a few little commentaries for some of my review videos. There'll be seven in all, with a new one uploaded every day. Think of it as a lil' present...hope you enjoy! --- This final commentary is for Dys4ia, a video that is...well, kind of unique in my repertoire. It's definitely amongst the best made, but also one of the hardest to watch...in this commentary, I talk a lot about striking the balance with making reviews that are quite personal, the difficulties involved in releasing a video like this, and how it still resonates with me. Enjoy! ORIGINAL VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGAIdn1L7R0 ORIGINAL REVIEW TEXT: You can play Dys4ia right here. It's free!: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/591565 Dys4ia...or: In which I do a highly personal review that manages to be (only slightly) longer than the game itself. It's not your usual Kimble video, I suppose. This (Dys4ia) is a game about a person (not me, Anna Anthropy)'s struggle with social dysphoria, gender identity disorder, and male-to-female transition/HRT, and a video on how the reviewer (me) empathised and struggled through their own issues, partly with the help of said game. If these are subjects that bother you in any way, or that you don't think should be in any way part of either a video game or a game review, then you may well want to go somewhere else. Don't take it personally babe, it just ain't your video.


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