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Gamezville, Cybernet And Other Loose Ends - Kim Justice's Classic Gaming TV Review

Welcome to the fourth part of our look back at classic Gaming TV! Even if classic isn't exactly the right word here at all!...yes, we're slap bang in the middle of the wilderness years here - when gaming TV on terrestrial television was virtually non-existent. So, what to cover? Well, a whole bunch of digital shows! Along with Cybernet, the 2am ITV show that was perhaps a bit too generic to get its own video, but lasted a long time. Other than that, there's Sky's Gamezville, with Darren and Jamie! Violet Berlin and Dominik Diamond respectively make returns with Game-Pad and When Games Attack on Bravo! There's the incredible low budget frolics of G@mers on Rapture TV! And two digital video game channels - the rather odd Game Network, and the highly ambitious, sometimes great and possibly to be revisited at some point Xleague.TV! There's lots to get through, that's for sure. Enjoy!


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