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Hey folks! Just wanted to make a quick announcement...there's a new tier on the rewards page, and it's a special one for the season. It's the Kim Justice Christmas Box!

This is something I've wanted to do for a while - the ideal present for any Kim Justice fan. The box will be a big 'un, filled with lots of stuff - we're talking KJ merchandise (including a t-shirt, at last), various personalised messages, a whole bunch of games, and whatever other silly little goodies I can think of. 

If you choose to pledge for the box, then it's a bi-monthly deal - after two months of pledging, you'll receive it, so the contents of the box will be equivalent in value to that sum ($140) - after which point you should not feel obligated to pledge at the level any further. Boxes like this aren't something I have the resources to provide on a regular basis, but I can certainly do something for Christmas :)

The box tier will be open from now until early January next year - so either you start pledging now and receive a box in November, or pledge next month and receive it in January. At the moment I'm limiting this to four people, although if the demand's there I could include a couple more...

Anyway, that's about it! Thanks for all the support as ever, and I hope to be sending some boxes of fun off to you real soon. Bye for now!

All the best,



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