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Just as Todoroki is about to dance with Recovery girl, Midoriya finally wakes up and manages to convince the popstar that she'd make her sad if she got too close to her. Todoroki's goal is to make people's life's brighter so Midoriya uses that to stop her from touching Recovery girl.


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Perfect, like in the End of Season 6, Deku wakes up and use Dark Whip.


I have to say, a while back you gave the estimate that each of these chapters would be around 25 pages. We are currently at three times that estimate for this chapter. I mean nothing negative about that, I'm enjoying this chapter. Just something I found a bit amusing. Edit: Correction, you said about 20 pages per chapter. With this series having about 100. Which is where we're currently sitting. Once again, I am not trying to say anything negative here, nor do I mean this as a criticism.


Interested to see what deku has to say about what he’s wearing lmao

Joel DeVaughn

And we are back with cinnamon roll Deku

Jack Charlotte

The fact that we've yet to return to the Beautician or even the girls from the first comic indicates the plan has extended well past any original estimation.


At this point, I'm hoping the hoping the chapter will end soon. I've enjoyed it, but it feels like it's time for it to come to a close.


And Deku is back!