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Deku finally intervenes after wondering what was taking them so long and finds out Midnight and Ida have fully gave into the lust of the quirk!

One job Midnight...one job....


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Austin weissinger

I guess Responsibility left the chat as soon as midnight found out what happens and what it does to you. And hey lewd Ida is back


Well, Midoriya, I hope you have at least one of those shots ready.


Looks amazing!! I’m really hoping Deku will surrender soon to the quirk, that would be awesome. Also, did Midnight’s hair change colour? I swear it was black a while ago, and now it is a bit brighter, more dark blue (Or it is just me being a bit colour blind).


In my opinion an improvement over the original version of Ida. This one is much more fun

Simon Long

Izumi: Oh I give up. Stupid lesbian teacher had one fucking job and makes this whole situation worse.

Cole jones

Well this is not good I wonder who is going to get changed next, I'm hoping recovery girl. Also did midnights costume change or did her face gets some makeup or something because it feels like something other then or body size changed in the second page?


I'm a little surprised Midoriya hasn't tried to change out of that dress.


Nah you are right her hair is a lighter blue shade. I'm planning on giving her some highlights similar to Ida so I thought I'd let her hair colour change a little in preparation for her new highlights when she changes some more.


This comic takes place immediately after the first so he hasn't had time to think about a change of clothes yet. But rest assured, Ida and Midnight will help him with that shortly ;)


Knowing you and your work, it'll be worth the two week wait to see that.


Fair enough. All of your comics have a double-edged sword, the wait. One that I am perfectly fine with, because while I always want more ASAP, the anticipation is always exciting. I understand your schedule, I'm not trying to rush you, to make things clear.


No not at all I really appreciate how much you enjoy the comics. It is a shame that there isn't enough days in the week to fairly distribute this comic like the others. Perhaps after the animation tier has run it's course I can consider adding a comic or two from those series into the weekend slots. I'll have to see hehe


Spoilers! Some more bimbo corruption incoming? 👀


seem like a more revealing and sexy style to her normal hero suit

Eris Watts

Where did Ida’s clothes come from?