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Midnight starts to crack Idas mental barrier with her urges and starts to feel his rebellious personality burst through again stronger and wilder then before!


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Cole jones

We'll this will not end well. Also is Ida getting bigger curves now? And did they really think it was a good idea to leave Ida with midnight this is kinda on them thinking nothing would happen. Last thing I get the feeling midnight will be like mineta and willingly change some others around her maybe even recovery girl could get it.


Whose side is Midnight on?


Mm i love that's she's just wearing Peachs biker outfit

LeaderBlue (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-17 03:42:04 At this point, the only "bad" thing I have to say about this comic is the wait we have to go through. I mean that as a compliment. Nicely done. Here's a fun question: When it comes to your original characters in the RFF comics, excluding the transformed boys, who would you get as VA's for them? (Anime VA's, specifically)
2023-06-16 20:09:59 At this point, the only "bad" thing I have to say about this comic is the wait we have to go through between pages. I mean that as a compliment. Nicely done.

At this point, the only "bad" thing I have to say about this comic is the wait we have to go through between pages. I mean that as a compliment. Nicely done.

Joel DeVaughn

You had one job Ida! ONE! JOB!