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Deku manages to find assistance from Eraser Head in the P.E Training grounds with Denki and Eijiro. They try to make sense of the situation but Tenya is quickly loosing himself to the quirks alluring sensation.


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Cole jones

Wait did mineta and the girls go to the league of villains or is deku just jumping to conclusions there because I don't think that's what they were doing at the end of the last part of this story?

Cole jones

I guess it's just I figured they ran off to find a hideout or something and we're going to be a third group in the story so it would be the hero's, villains, and mineta's group. I think they deku is just assuming they went to the league of villains.


Will Aizawa's quirk work to stop the effects?


Sorry to point this out again, I'll be more specific this time. The students, in general, refer to each other by their last names, with exceptions like nicknames of course. From what I am aware of, that is how people address each other in Japan, outside of family, and I think close friends. I'll try to cut back on nitpicking your work, because it feels like I do that every time I leave a comment.


Oops! This is the problem I have when I make comics about Fandoms I am not totally familiar with haha. I'll be sure to fix these :)