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Lana asks Owen if his Alchemy project finals will be ready for her by the end of the day and all Owen needs is the right moment to get her strand of hair so he can test his final project personally on himself. But how will he go about getting her hair to test his concoctions..?

Oh....looks like it's Owens lucky day!


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I know that the front cover is probably going to confirm that he’ll change into Lana*, but wouldn’t it be awkward if he accidentally picked up someone else’s hair? *Or then they all turn into Lana, thus beginning the “Lanapocalypse”! Or maybe I just gave an idea for a new series entirely.


Part of me has a feeling she planted that hair herself....


Like, it just seems a little too coincidental for a hair to just suddenly appear on his desk to me. Then again, I've heard hair is just kind of like that, so I guess we'll see. This isn't meant to be criticism of your writing by the way! Just speculation :)


Not at all! You might even be right. I mean she did say she'll know she'll enjoy his final project ;)