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Hey hey peeps hope everyone is having a good start to the new year so far! I can't believe January is almost over already!

So as stated a few weeks ago, I planned on making a few changes to my reward system and add a few new things and this all depended on how the feedback responses were you guys took the time to fill out for us which we do deeply appreciate so thank you to all who gave us feedback on our current content!

There will be a few big changes that I want to go over so I will mention them below tier by tier:

$1 - Supporter of Lana:

Starting February onwards, this tier will no longer do the NSFW comic that we do at the end of the month. We have heard your feedback and agree that the comics tend to feel rushed, paced poorly and overall seem to be given a back seat in terms of attention. However this does not mean you wont receive any content on this tier anymore as you'll see in the next tier changes below. (Refer to the last paragraph in $3 - Follower of Lana)


$3 - Follower of Lana:

Many have told us that the current $3 comic is a little light on the TG content and is becoming quite a long story. We agree fully that the TG has been sparse at best so we have done a rewrite for the next 2 crystals/chapters to involve more TG/TF content and be overall paced better. However, this is not the only thing that'll change as we have decided to add a new reward for the $3 tiers too.

New $3 Reward System

Starting February onwards, I will be starting a comic series similar to the NSFW $1 comic but it will run alongside the DnD comic schedule so $3 and above will now get access to 2 comics on Tuesdays and Thursdays! This new reward will focus heavily on the TG and will be roughly 10-12 pages. This will give us the time to focus on making this new reward better quality compared to the previous NSFW comics and will be another form of content to enjoy for those who aren't enjoying the DnD comic currently. Plus we have decided that on a month by month basis we'll alternate this reward to either be a comic series for the month and then the next month we'll do some sequences to mix things up given how many comic series I have going right now.

This will all be patron voted content just like all the other rewards but the first comic I have planned will be made by myself and Lana to start things off with a serious BANG so you know exactly what to expect from this new reward system.

(Also as a note to the $1 patrons, all of this content that has been advertised here will be available to you all a month later to enjoy. This will give you all a much better paced and quality TG comic that I hope you'll all enjoy. The first month I start this reward, my team will upload various Lana inc TG sequences we have compiled over the years for you to enjoy then in March you'll get access to the $3 content!)


$15 - Acquaintance of Lana (Hourly Rewards)

I have been on the fence about this decision for almost a year now but I have to do what I feel is best for my work routine and the future of the page.

After January, hourlies will no longer be supported. I have made this decision because I feel this reward system does not mesh well anymore with my current patron reward systems. i created this tier when I first started my Patreon 6 years ago and so much has changed since then where I find it harder and harder to fit in this reward anymore. I know a few will be disappointed with this change but I have to do what's best for my work ethic as it takes away time from things that I need to finish or want to start. Sadly the reward takes too much of my time each day and has become problematic when I am in the middle of working on the daily content and have to stop all momentum to work on personal projects for a couple of hours. The tier will remain up for now but for those who are currently on the tier, feel free to reduce your pledge or if you were only here for the hourly, feel free to remove your pledge. if you wish to remain on the tier as a tip then I'd be most appreciative but once everyone is gone from the tier, it will be removed.


$15/$20 Lana's Mystery Crates

I'll keep this one brief as it pretty much has the same reasons as to why I am removing the hourly tier. Sadly I feel the content has run it's course now as I have been doing it for 4 years and I want to focus my attention on other projects now for you all to enjoy. same thing again with this tier you're welcome to stay as a tip but once everyone has left the tier by reducing their pledge etc, the tiers will be removed.

That's all the changes I have to announce, again I do apologise for removing some of the tiers but I feel they just don't work anymore for where I want to take my page so I felt it best to cut ties with them and replace them with newer exciting projects! I hope you enjoy the new things that are to come! To give you a little teaser for February.

Once again thank you all so much for your support, feedback and love. I hope you enjoy what's to come!



What about annual tier members?


If you're referring to the individual rewards they can ask for a refund but as for the other tiers. The changes should hopefully be for the best in terms of better quality content ^^


I switched to an annual membership so which rewards will I get?


Does this also apply to the Lana inc. tiers?

Cole jones

I don't see the $10 tier so will it not be effected?


Oh you'll get everything below the $10 tier but starting Feb you'll get access to a new comic series that'll be uploaded alongside the DnD TG comic


That's right! Check the pinned post at the top of my page and you'll have access to all past and present content :)


Btw, is there a way to access the full sisterly brother comic?


Absolutely! Check out the pinned post and click the $5 content link and you'll find Sisterly Brother link and you can download the comic there.


So there are no hourlies anymore, right? I can understand your point. So its either support with tip or reduce


That's right yeah it was a very tough choice but with how I run things it just didn't work anymore. The tier will remain up until everyone has left so you're welcome to either stay on the tier or reduce your pledge. Either way I appreciate the support onbthetbtier for as long as you have :)


You haven't the need to apologize for changing things. We understand if in real life, stuff is being taken up by other things. It's natural, you've got a good community here, and we understand your decisions. Love the awesome stuff you post here, great work. :)


Aw thank you so much for the kind words! It was a tough decision on some of these but it had to be done to make some new changes for the page. I do hope you enjoy what's to come. :)


So hourlies are done? But single images remain?


So any news about the $5 tier?


The $5 remains the same. Any tiers not mentioned here are unaffected by removal of rewards etc.

Pixie Tira

Animation tier stays winning lol But seriously this is so cool to see~ Looking forward to the new content and how much more creative you can be without the other stuff weighing you down~

Ray Dark

Disappointed but can't blame .. was not there in the past to lock on other tiers.


With hourlies gone, what type of content will be replacing them on Mondays? Normally your Mon/Weds streams are the $10 page and then single images/hourlies so I was just wondering what's gonna show up now that hourlies are gone.


Most likely it'll be replaced with animation sessions or other new content. Hourlies tend to be on random days so animations sessions will be more consistent on these days now


It was a tough choice and one I didn't come to an easy decision with but sadly I had to come to terms that the hour tier just didn't work with my new work schedule anymore. Maybe one day I'll open it up again when things change so it's easier to fit in bit for now it's a matter of doing what's best for my Patreon in general.


Hello. I recently cancelled my membership to your patreon. I had switched from an a monthly payment to an annual payment (only it was on the wrong tier). I can't change back to the monthly payments from annual. Why is this?


Animations as in the $10 ones or the patreon paid ones (like the imp one)?


It'll be the imp animation one as I've side lined that a little as of recently and the Patreon one will be worked on during weekends