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Let the next 'Transformation Animation' event begin!

Okay guys here's how this'll work, you'll give me either a scenario, story or plot that the character you'll choose will follow that will eventually lead to their sexy transformation! The idea can be anything you want original or Fandom whatever floats your boat!

I only ask a few things of you  

1. Keep it to one character getting tf/tg'ed so choose wisely  

2. Keep the story brief as I want to try and get out an animation every month so keep it short and sweet and above all sexy!  

3. Optional but if you can give the story a title so I can upload it to Youtube with a proper title so it has a personal flare to it

Then next week we'll vote on the best idea and then we will begin our quest to make the sexiest animation ever!

I look forward to seeing all your ideas! Have fun!



I am on a diet! A slightly overweight man makes an effort to make a salad. As a finishing touch he adds Lana's Inc salad dressing/ sauce, which is slightly sweet. He turns into a BBW Version of himself and continues to make Another Tasty treat.

Liquid Metal Larry

A Quick and Easy Workout! A scrawny guy is finally motivated to work out, ordering some Lana Inc weights and protein shakes. He takes a swig of the shake and starts to work out. His body starts to grow more and more into that of an buff woman, stretching his tank top and shorts considerably. He doesn't think he's done nearly enough though, and then downs even more of the shake before pushing himself even harder before he fully transforms into an almost amazonian woman. She gets a good look at her new body, before eyeing the rest of the shakes as the video ends.


Since it's almost Halloween, I'm going to suggest a Halloween themed story. Title - The Abandoned Pumpkin Patch Summary - Every October before Halloween, people seem to always go missing inside of the abandoned pumpkin patch outside of town. It's said you should never go there alone. It's that in Steven's case, those warnings went on deaf ears as he decided to explore this pumpkin patch all on his own, in the middle of the night. Steven soon learns why people go missing, as he ends up getting trapped by living pumpkins! The pumpkins wrapped him up in vines, and one pumpkin even jumped onto his head. The pumpkin on Steven's head began to squeeze his body with vines. As this happens, Stevens's body is squeezed and changed into a woman! Not only does this happen, but the vines wrap up his arms and legs and begin controlling Steven's new female body. The pumpkin then walks Steven into the forest, where the pumpkin can have fun with its new body and where Steven will never be seen again.  


Title - The AMAZON Forest Plot: A young explorer is exploring the amazon rainforest when he stumbles across an abandoned village (Not knowing that used to belong to amazons.) Exploring it he comes across an orb in the center of the village with then zaps him, and transforming him into its new queen with her goal of restoring her once extinct but now soon to be reborn clan~

Alexander Pontier

Quiet Desperation to Inspiration. A guy sits at his work computer, tired and bored. He gets an email saying “Enjoy New Opportunities” and he opens only to see an hypnosis spiral and a download bar. As the download progresses, they turn more into a woman and the more they enjoy it. As they finish, in more than just transforming, they get up, their clothes now a sexy-cut suit, and they leave their desk for new “opportunities”.

Star Journeyfriend

"Symbiosis" A scientist watches a meteor fall into the woods through his telescope. As he goes to investigate, a living slime symbiote launches itself at him and attaches itself to him. It spreads across his body and slowly pleasurably transforms him into a superior female form. As the symbiote finishes the transformation by engulfing his face, making him beautiful, she feels up her new assets, laughs and grins slyly as her and the symbiote become one, ready to spread and create an army of beautiful drones.


Sad cat dance


Just like the title suggests. It might be just a short goofy thing but I'm honestly surprised no one has done this yet given how much that's been going around. Maybe something where the person getting TGed changes with each new begging pose the other person takes.

Miss Mako

Title: LUNA. Would love to see your take on a "Werewoman" TF TG. To keep it simple - a guy is intensly playing a game on his computer and not paying attention to the time or that a full moon is rising in the window behind him. He painfully (at first) transforms into a beautiful woman (ends up enjoying it) in a sexy dress and leaves the house to go out on the town. If this is something you might be interested in - I could volunteer to add some Sound Effects and maybe even some Original Music. Or just keep it without sound if that is preferred.

Mikkel Mads Hansen

Idea. Night at the Museum, At Museum night guard is about to close up up for the night when he notice that a sarcophagus in the Egyptian exhibition is open. When he goes to check he is attacked by a mummy however there is nothing under the bandage. when the night guard tries to fight back he is wrapped in the bandage and slowly turns into a beautiful Egyptian Cleopatra style Empress

Wes Franklin

Idea: Night of the WereWolf Nanny. I was thinking of a funny thing where a guy seemingly transforms into a massive muscular werewolf, but it turns out he became a massive, busty, buff werewofless victorian lady in a poofy ballgown all ready for being a Mary Poppins esque nanny and she floats in the sky using her parasol to babysit soem children. Sort of like a silly parody of a werewolf movie and sort of a fake out with people expecting a mosterous werewolf but she's actually a refined English Werewolfess Governess/Nanny.


Normal day at school a Japanese student found a pen and he look at it but suddenly it’s light pink and then turn into monika first give him new girly school suit and a long hair and his chest blow and become bigger boobs and nice ass then face change into cute girly face and the mind and eyes change