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Every so often you'll have a chance to spend any gold the heroes have on them from their current adventure. Depending on what you all vote for will be what the heroes purchase with their cash. If they can afford the second most voted item they'll also buy that until they cannot buy anything else. The more expensive items will be much more powerful and get through certain scenarios much easier than without.

Have fun gearing up!


20 Gold


Dagger(2x) 4 gold 

Great sword 7 gold, 50 silver 

Goliath clothing 4 gold 

Elven clothing 4 gold  

True Strike Dagger- 20 gold 

Orb of Shielding- 20 gold 

Veteran’s Cane- 19 Gold, 99 silver, 99 copper



Roll for loot!

Mikkel Mads Hansen

They have 20 glod in total so they could buy more then one item. But I will suggest saving some

Krishna Dudhee

I would take the elven clothing and the Goliath clothing. Maybe the great sword too.


I’m assuming that they have to buy items one at a time. In which case, I think armament is more important than clothing.


tbh I'm quite happy with my clothing for now. Dom needs some new stuff though. or maybe he doesnt since we'd get a nice view

Jared K Gonzalez

As important clothes are, I think replacing the rusty claymore with a GreatSword is a wise move. As well as two daggers for our lovely diminished friend.


Ok, so in videogame logic, the best thing would be replacing the rusty, probably almost broken, claymore with a new one. As well as actual armors for our mage and barbarian. While the daggers would be nice the thief would just steal other weapons.