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Day 4 -

We see into her memories of what's really been holding her back from truly moving on. It seems Ruby blames herself and maybe others around her have blamed her for loosing her sister in a barn fire when they were kids. This tormented Ruby for most of her life and calls herself a coward for not rescuing her.

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That’s sad. :(


...Is this why she was an arsonist before the story began?


People with serious traumatic issues, such as rape, fire, death (to name a few) of someone...often will manifest in the complete opposite of them later in life, or result in other psychiatric issues, such as severe anxiety, et al. This has been well documented in many physiological journals.


Redmond/Ruby had an obsession with fire when he was younger and shared his love for it with his younger sister. But because his love for fire got his sister indirectly killed and blamed for her death at such a young age he has this very twisted relationship with fire now. But this is why he can't fully move on because he still blames *him*self for what happened to their sister.


That's gotta be a hard one to get over or just let go

Neo Ultra Mike

Hmmm you know back in page 4 Miss Utsukushi pointed out that Redmond was never sentenced for murder (probably his parents know but may not directly blame him for it, at least probably not more then Marc Spector's mom in Moon Knight) because of one of his many counts of Arson. Knowing though that because of Redmond's actions his sister wound up dying, I do wonder if Redmond actually dropped the tough guy act for a second when Utsukushi brought that up before. Or is it something that only Ruby can now directly admit as yeah that is a horrible tragedy to hear about. Again I really like getting this more personal deep dive character thing which I'm fine not getting as much with Giselle or Quinlyn as their stories weren't about that but I like how Ruby there is this much tragic factor of not only what made Raymond a deliquent but what Ruby will have to face to fully embrace her true self.