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Shobu has been struck down by Mora's anger. Will he continue to get closer or listen to her now ?

The choice is yours....



Shobu is trying to talk to her to explain things.

Simon Long

While Shobu is trying to talk, when someone who has a magic power that could kill you, I’d stay laying on the ground and try to talk to her. Mostly because I’d be terrified of what would happen if I kept trying to approach.

Alex Smyth

Shobu, just stay where you are and talk to Mora from where you are standing. Why do people keep picking "approach Mora"? All that's doing is upsetting Mora. Shobu isn't going to be able to talk some sense into Mora and win her back if Shobu keeps ignoring her wishes.

Riley Holloway

Guys stop picking Appoach!


Respect her and talk without getting closer untill she is ok with it.


I'll tell you my opinion based From a hard past experience. I know it's different depending of poeple but once a friend told me to stay away from him, thinking that he needed some time that what I did but I still sent some message so he knew that I was here for him. I listened to him and not even two days after he commit suicide. I still regret on this day that I gave up and went away instead of being "more aggressive" and go to his side. So in my opinion approaching may be dangerous but is not necesserly the wrong thing to do but still it depneds of the person. Thank if you read everything. English is not my mother language so I'm sorry if I made mistakes and sorry if my story has ruined the fun but I needed to share it.

Skippy Hugo

Nah. Approach. It's amazing what contact can do between two people who care about each other.


I really think Shobu should pause and respect her boundary, try reaching out and explaining from a distance


Your English is fine. I do agree with you but it’s very hard decided and knowingly what to do for the best possible outcome. Sometimes it is best to just stick around and just be silent. My 🐈 cat waits and watches intensely for the proper moment to lick my hand.