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Day 4 - Broken Relations

Nasu blackmailed Mora that day with video proof of what happened and would show the police that she had a connection to what happened to Tesu. They knew Mora being the kind spirit she was would confess to her murder if it ever got out. After that they forced her to do the things they would to themselves to further her punishment.

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Rose Graham

Nasu should be dropped off next to the Elephant's Foot.


Wait a minute, the video CAN'T prove anything. The only thing you see is Tesu suddenly collapsing and dying of heart failure. The only visible thing Mora did is cry and bury her face in her hands.

Mikkel Mads Hansen

I still think Nasu got off to easily just losing an arm


If it didn't cauterize and was blown off low enough, it should have exposed a rather important artery.


I'm trying to have empathy for a person who lost their sister, but it is really hard when that person is such a catastrophically bad human.


True but no doubt with the girls being witnesses too and knowing they'd at least want to question Mora, she'd confess due to being so conscious heavy to being involved in her death. The video alone is enough to scare her.