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Day 4 - Broken Relations

Shinoa tries his best to explain to Kota his actions but she's too heartbroken to listen and rips off the necklace from her neck and runs away crying feeling betrayed by her own brother. Meanwhile Nasu and the girls turn their attention onto a very distressed Mora


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Mora looks like she's about to kill someone, with good reason

Rose Graham

This is no longer overkill, this is a massacre.


Not Kota, Shinoa lied to Kota about getting her necklace back as it was originally stolen in the earlier pages. Back when Shinoa was a male, he went to get her a replacement necklace but never told her it wasn't the same one her dad gave her before he passed away so she was led to believe this whole time that was the original.


Those three girls need the crap beat out of them.


This is beyond bullying. This is just abuse. I hope these girls catch a case of Karma. Goodness knows they need it.


Either they are evil just to be evil, or they intend to expose to the school that magic exists. (Somehow it is all related to her, to the necklace, to Shinoa, anything with magic)


Nasu's ego was bruised by Shinoa on that soccer game. So she and her crew decided to hurt Shinoa all the way down to her heart. I'm sure we'll find out what their issue with Mora is soon enough.

Abeigos Crimson

Mora looks like she's about to cross a line that has no return point but I don't blame her. This is a lesson to all about bullying


These girls aren’t bitches, they’re monsters.

Sam Mann

Congratulations. There is now nothing that can happen to these girls that'll feel like just punishment. If Mora does destroy them, it wont feel like a victory, just a chore you finally got done.


(Evil voice) SNAP THEM’S NECK!!

Nathaniel Merrill

If mora does hurt someone, don’t make it shinoa


Please don’t tell me they get away with this. There has to be some kind of karma.