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Heya guys just to let you know my brother is over to visit for the first time after having his chemotherapy so I'll be spending the day with my brother since it's been a long time since I've seen him. I'll have a page tomorrow for sisterly brother. Sorry to disappoint!

Thanks for understanding!


Cole jones

You didn't disappoint us family comes first. I hope you and your brother have a great day and best of luck to him.


Don't worry, have fun, and enjoy the time with him! This can always wait :)


You didn't disappoint, you were clear about why you were busy. Thank you!


Family comes first always! No worries!


It's okay, we understand. Family always comes first.

Richard L Oswalt

Have fun. Hope you all enjoy your day together.

jimmy d banthrall jr

Family is our greatest strength it's good to know that you care so much for your brother. may your love helps him to heal. I hope that all goes well with his visit. I remember when my cousin went through Kemo, her hair grew back almost as good as new. that was back in the mid 70s.


You 100% do not have to apologize! Enjoy your day!


Hell yeah, spend time with your fam! <3

Anime Guy

Family First. We can wait. Hope he will be ok.

jimmy d banthrall jr

In january my father died from cancer and I recently found out he was at stage 7 when he passed . that means that it was all through his body when he passed. I should have seen the signs. his teeth were breaking down and his hair was thinning . he took more naps than normal.


Have fun adn ehjoy the time with him


I hope he is doing better; wishing the best for u and ur bro