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The time has come to choose this months NSFW comic story idea! Anything goes for this so let me know the synopsis and the title if you have one and then I'll choose several to be put in a poll!

Have fun!



The witching hour two dudes are walking at night and meet a sad crying lady whose dressed as a witch they come and comfort her and ask what’s wrong and she says her friends/dates stood her up and the guys then say well why don’t you go out with us the girl gets super excited and thanks them then gets a creepy wicked and zaps them and is like you two just need a few minor changes and one starts changing into a female vampire and the other a female werewolf then once fully changed the witch says let’s go have some fun then the final page is all three in bed naked the werewolf and vampire asleep and the witch between them both and says something like I love magic

Jacob S Blaustein

How about a Jekyll/Hyde tg, a wimpy guy turns into a raunchy amazon.


Yugioh style tg where one of the mc loses and and becomes a female monster the more he loses a duel


TITLE: "Going For Sadie Hawkins Day!" SYNOPSIS: Guess what holiday it is this month! It's Sadie Hawkins Day (https://www.holidayinsights.com/other/sadie.htm) and a shy guy can't figure out how to ask a girl out, but the more he tries to work through how to ask her out, the more he changes into a girl that CAN ask her out, does, and succeeds!


Two guys playing Pokemon are arguing which pokegirl is best. One thinks Dawn is the best, while the other thinks Serena is better. They are then sucked into the game where they become their favorite girls.

Minion of the East

Boom Goes the TG Dynamite An alchemist in a post apocalyptic world is trying to restore the women population by making a pheromone bomb to help create more women. However, an accidental explosion causes him to transform into a gigantic and horny as hell amazon goddess to become the only woman that will be bred in order to rebuild the human species. Eventually, she becomes a the matriarch of the new world.

Krishna Dudhee

Hazbin Hotel Origin where a boy is turned into Charile and has his/her prevouis life ereased and becomes the daughter of Lucifer, the magic being cause be Lucifer because he wants an heir.

Skippy Hugo

Guy creates a busty female avatar in a hyperrealistic VR game, but the game is in beta phase and has a glitch that changes the person's body into the avatar. Maybe fantasy game. Title BETA KINGDOM.


(I tryed it again) A Wererabbit Transformation. A guy was bitten by a female Rabbit and Transforms into a big sexy female wererabbit with much clothing ripping.


Title: Alien Abduction! A guy wakes up, bound to a table naked, tubes with green (or whatever color the alien species is) fluid attached to him. A female alien dressed in a nurse outfit comes in and pulls a lever. The guy starts to transform into a female alien. She then joins the ranks!


Sultry Streaming A male streamer isn’t getting the viewership he hoped, but a new website he finds turns out to be the perfect fix to his problem, giving him new assets to boost his views


XenoGirls Invade! A group of humanoid alien women invade earth in hopes of eradicating the world of their male defect. Two of the strongest soldiers on the anti alien front face off against an alien leader but soon lose, becoming beautiful women in the process.


A shy, scrawny guy trying to beef up at the gym tries to boost his gains with an "anime energy drink" (actually a bottle of cursed sake), which turns him into a buff, busty, blue-skinned oni woman - whose shyness makes her flustered when she starts receiving compliments en mass at the gym.

Cole jones

Title: costume change A shy guy who lost a bet or is being forced to by a bully has to go to a costume party dressed as mirko from my hero academia but after putting it on he becomes a bigger a bustier version of mirko and gets a massive confidence boost and in the end shows up to the party shocking everyone.


Two guys were messing with Devil magic and ended up summoning Diva while she was eating her cookies which she was not happy about plus there call her cute so she decided to TG one of them into a cute/sexy robot girl and the other one into a maid so both of them can become Diva's new slaves.

jimmy d banthrall jr

The Foxy Vet A shy nerdy veternarian is treating female fox and is bitten. as he cleans his bite , his hair grows down to his expanding butt. the body grows more feminine , she grow a bushy tail as her ears become more foxlike . the new fox girl is sitting on a couch with the vixen on lap as her huge chest is holds it in place.

Mikkel Mads Hansen

an archaeologist and his assistant digs for fossils when one of them finds an old dinosaur tooth and when he accidentally cuts himself on it He turns into a Super tall and super sexy cave woman (Simple Idea but it works)

Peter Passalacqua

Mane Attraction 2: At the same Brony Con as before, a Trixie fan, along with six other guys, finds the Alicorn Amulet and uses its power to transform himself into his favorite character. She then uses it to turn two of his friends into Lavender Lace and Fuschia Blush, who become willing servants for their mistress. Three others attempt to run away, but Trixie turns them into Adagio Dazzle, Arian Blaze and Sonata Dusk, who also agree to serve her, but with ulterior motives in mind. The last guy willingly lets himself be turned into Starlight Glimmer, and she and Trixie share a passionate kiss. Trixie then announces her plan to create an army of obedient bimbos to conquer the world. Rarity, who had just created Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, Lyra Heartstrings and Bon-bon, looks over and witnesses Trixie create Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap. The two enter a bitter argument and then declare war on eachother.

Ruyxi Sylpheyes

Mail mix up: a mysterious package shows up with a strange vial of liquid. A 'magic' beauty lotion from japan. Using it turns the guy who found it on his front step into a Japanese beauty, meanwhile the Japanese woman next door notices her package is late and sees the guy walk into his house with the box, by the time she gets there she finds a young Japanese woman having a hard time speaking English and takes her home in order to help her relearn English while also becoming smitten with her.


An Treasure Hunter is looking in some old castle ruins for the Treasure of an Dragon who hoarded it there. As he finds the treasure he activates an magical Trap that summons the Spirit of the Dragoness who owns the treasure. She tells the Hunter that he may get her treasure but he will never get the chance to take it away. The Hunter simply chuckles and says she has no power as ghost, walking through her. The Dragoness angrily enters his body and transforms him into an Anthro version of herself. She takes control over the Body and after that she lays on her treasure and enjoys it highly, having an body once again

Miss Mako

HINDI DIVYA GIRL Andy and Vivek are best friends in the USA. Andy agrees to travel to India to visit Vivek’s parents and where Vivek grew up. Once there Andy is fascinated with the culture. They meet Vivek’s parents who give Vivek a hard time about settling with a nice Indian Girl in India. He says he hasn’t met the right girl yet. Vivek’s mom prays to the God “Ganapati” one night for a special Indian woman to capture Vivek’s heart. The next day while Vivek shows Andy around Mumbai - Andy starts to slowly transform into a Beautiful Indian Woman. Andy is fun and lively and ends up winning over Vivek’s heart as they kiss. Months later they have a big Indian Wedding and live happily ever after.


Genie of the Hula Lamp A guy gives his roommate a hula lamp for his birthday as a joke present. The birthday boy jokingly wishes that his friend got him a genie lamp instead. Of course, this lamp was purchased at one of those creepy antique shops that wasn't always there. As such, the lamp zaps his friend and turns him into a genie that exactly resembles the hula dancer on the lamp. The newly-turned genie then turns to the birthday boy and seductively asks her new master if he has any other wishes.


Giraffe Gene Therapy Welcome back to our Sofa Genetic Store! Are you tired of being considered short, wanted to become a sports star or to get the heart of your beloved girl, but she prefers tall. Let me suggest you our new invention from our laboratory. The preparation "Giraffe growth", as the name implies, contains giraffe genes that are responsible for growth. Now we will test it on our subject Joey. And don't worry about the side effects, we have made an "antidote" that will "definitely" return him to his human form. Inspired by your work "Freak Out Gene Therapy", I hope you and the subscribers will like it.


Game of Change - 3-4 friends play a new board game they got where they must do whatever the game tells them or face the consequences. If they complete their task they change a friend, if they fail their task they get changed by the board. As the game progresses all of the friends become different busty and sexy women, embracing their new lives

Jesse Raines

Thanksgenderbending- A shy girls parents are fed up with her rude and uncouth boyfriend and decide to invite him over for Thanksgiving dinner. Only to spike his food with gender bending magic spices. Stuffing changes his body shape/height Mashed potatoes change his ass/hips/legs Ham changes his hair/face Turkey changes his chest And the pumpkin pie/ice cream changes his privates/ personality Knowing their daughter is bi. Leaving him as a young, cute, anime loving college girl. Ending with the "new" couple kissing.


a customer ask Lana if he can get ice latte with breast milk etc, Lana says ok makes the ice latte, when customer drinks the Ice latte, the customer transforms into busty starbock (https://www.google.com/search?q=starbok&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS856US856&hl=en-US&prmd=isnxv&sxsrf=AOaemvI18-r1RRoEC4xp4m1u5w_PZk-a9A:1633696224487&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwimgobZ6LrzAhVFRzABHSCdAUYQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ#imgrc=twqtqEoI0lOD-M ) naga,


a male employee was ask to make ice latte with breast milk etc, the employee laugh at the person (Lana) but the employee starts to turn into busty starbock (https://www.google.com/search?q=starbok&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS856US856&hl=en-US&prmd=isnxv&sxsrf=AOaemvI18-r1RRoEC4xp4m1u5w_PZk-a9A:1633696224487&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwimgobZ6LrzAhVFRzABHSCdAUYQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ#imgrc=twqtqEoI0lOD-M )naga, Lana replies “Did I stutter?”


Turkey Parade! A guy is bored at a Thanksgiving parade and wishes it'd get more interesting. When suddenly he himself turns into a sexy thicc giant turkey anthro girl who is ready to stomp down the runway (street) parade and show the folks a more EXCITING parade~! :3

Alex Smyth

Two dudebros enter a magic store run by a tomboy witch. The dudebros act rude, annoying the tomboy witch. The dudebros see a display of necklaces and take two, one with an ankh and one with a triquetra, and put them on. The dudebro who put on the ankh necklace turns into a sexy goth girl and the dudebro who put on the triquetra necklace turns into a sexy wiccan girl and they start making out with each other. Meanwhile, a guy walks into the store and the tomboy witch sells him a love potion/perfume, the smell attracting the attention of the sexy goth girl and sexy wiccan girl and they fall in love with the guy. The comic ends with the guy walking off to have a three way with the sexy goth girl and the sexy wiccan girl, while the tomboy witch watches them leave as she happily counts the money she just made.

Warren Wheeler

A guy finds a pink cowboy hat. (obviously for a girl) his friend challenges him to put it on. He does and transforms into a taller busy girl. This would all be shot from the waist up with an eventual upwards camera shot (ie looking up not a low angle) She comments back all she needs now is a horse (with an additional flick of hair offset from her torso) Friend says, "No I don't think so." Girl ask, "What do you mean?" Friend points toward the girls lower half. Cut to a picture of 4 hooves with pink nail polish.


TITLE: Cute or Sexy DESCRIPTION: Two friends are playing the hottest new board game called 'Cute or Sexy', in which the players get to turn each other into a girl, with the end result being with one of the players being a sexy bombshell, while the other is a cute shy girl. One of the friends is sick of always ending with him being turned into the cute girl, so he decides to rig the next game that they play together, only for it to end with both of them getting turned into sexy bombshells, with the complaining friend being especially sexy with extra-sexy proportions and what-not.


Title: Photoshopped Synopsis: A guy is working on editing so pictures for a clients Instagram when suddenly his house is struck by lightning and causes his computer to suck him in. He then finds himself in his current work project posed like the girl in the picture. In the morning his roommate walks in to see if he’s awake and noticed his computer is open and sees that he’s on the screen but doesn’t know it’s actually him. He then starts to edit him into his dream girl giving him big tits, small waist, big butt and thighs and making him so much taller and dressing him in some sexier attire. When he’s finished he hits save and suddenly he pops back out of the computer with a new mindset to become the next hottest Instagram model and it ends with a photo shoot in a sexy bikini


The Dress A new teacher finds a dress in the classroom he is supposed to be teaching in is confused as his students come in, now being all girls into the homeroom when it was supposed a mixed guy and girl school right??? Him not realizing he is turning into their new sexy teacher for the school year~!

Emmitt Cleveland

A Perfect Family A young man goes home from college for Thanksgiving, nervous because this will be the first time he meets his new stepfather. He gets home to find his mom acting like a 50’s housewife and his sister has quit chess club and joined the high school cheer squad. Both are also way curvier than he remembers. While suspicious of what’s happened to his family he doesn’t suspect his stepdad as the culprit. After being given a treat of some kind our young man transformations into a sexy librarian girl, eager for some “quality” family time. Stepdad is grinning as her embraces his new daughter, talking about how the family is now perfect.


I don't expect this to be even accepted, considering how late it is, but... The Ghost Town Greeting A lost guy stumbles into a wild west ghost town, having gotten separated from his tour group. When he wanders into the saloon, he only gets a moment to look around before dark green orb of light slams into him from behind, knocking him to the ground. As he tries to stumble to his feet, he transforms into a busty southern belle – with one blatant difference. She’s a busty zombie southern belle, as shown by her green skin and stitches holding her body together. She only gets a moment to realize what happened before her clothing is replaced with the typical southern belle dress and her mind and memories are overwritten with that of a flirty, perky, and incredibly southern zombie girl. Just as she’s about to go somewhere else in the saloon, she overhears the tour group outside and smiles before covering it with a fan, as other orbs like the one that transformed her rise up behind her…

Tim Penfold

a guy sees a rather large girl and makes a comment behind her back about her size, and she (or Lana, nearby) hears the comment, and makes him even fuller figured, as well as a hot lesbian for the large girl ... something like, oo, she's a big one (changes) good, i love 'em big excuse me, miss?