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Day 3 - Problems Begin

Shobu tries his best to explain to his sister what he's been feeling for a long time. However given Kotas age she's just doesn't understand the difference between feeling sad and feeling depressed.


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Feeling 'sad' v. 'depression of not belonging'...


I feel like we've drifted away from that issue w/ the white-haired girl. :S


Did the necklace and the wish of Kota make Shobu a girl?

Eveie Quinn

The necklace probably turned Shinoa into a girl to create a chain of events.


I thought Shobu wanted to be a girl and she definitely sexy.


He did and he has shown joy being one but keep in mind this wasn't his choice to suddenly turn into the opposite gender. He wasn't ready to share with his family and friends who he was inside.

Michelle Reynolds

Became a patreon recently and just caught up with this in one sitting. Super glad I joined. ❤ Great comic, can't wait for more!


Aww thank you so much Michelle! Glad to hear you're enjoying the comic as much as you are. Still plenty more to come in September so eyes peeled ^^