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Sabrina's doll takes them to another room to play tea time with her. She might have gone about getting people to play with her an odd way but perhaps she just wanted someone to play with.

Gary, much to his dismay has to play the part of the maid XD


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Justin Kinninger

I thought she was going to turn them into dolls or hypnosis them to be her retainers

Justin Kinninger

Then what about the other guy/girl?


He'll be let go once she's had her fun. Right now she plays the part of her assistant. She had no intention of keeping them all here, she only wanted to play. Bit of a lighter take on the character from the anime ^^


I love this build up! XD So serious until its oh... "Just tea time!"


Sabrina be like: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/197/797/1320897747867.jpg