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Poll - The Next $3 TG Series

  • Option 1 56
  • Option 2 41
  • Option 3 22
  • Option 4 36
  • Option 5 26
  • Option 6 32
  • Option 7 31
  • Option 8 50
  • Option 9 85
  • Option 10 36
  • 2020-05-28
  • —2020-06-01
  • 415 votes
{'title': 'Poll - The Next $3 TG Series', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1', 'votes': 56}, {'text': 'Option 2', 'votes': 41}, {'text': 'Option 3', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'Option 4', 'votes': 36}, {'text': 'Option 5', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'Option 6', 'votes': 32}, {'text': 'Option 7', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Option 8', 'votes': 50}, {'text': 'Option 9', 'votes': 85}, {'text': 'Option 10', 'votes': 36}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 1, 10, 54, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 28, 9, 22, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 415}


The time has come, you guys have made your suggestions and now we choose what series will be worked on next week!

We have a ton of great suggestions this time so have fun picking your favourite and let's see what we work on next!

Let's begin!

1. Materia Mishap:

Cloud, Barrett and Cid party swap with Tifa, Aeris, and Yuffie and swap Materia with each other, and notice that some of their Materia is a different color(pink) and called Sexy Materia. Cloud notices that it’s maxed out and gives +99 in every stat, is immune to everything and gives an ability. Since all three girls had it on, they decide to equip it also. They then come across their first battle against a never before seen in Gaia playful imp. Cloud getting to go first first decides to use the new sexy ability, but before he can cast it, the imp casts reflect and clouds gets hit with it instead and turns into Tifa. Barrett and Cid stare at Cloud in surprise, and Cloud in anger says screw it and skips Everyone else’s turn and uses it again on the playful imp only to forget that it still had reflect cast and has it hit him again making his breast, butt and thighs bigger and his waist skinnier and making him taller. Cid decides to use his sexy Materia ability on Cloud for “scientific research” and Barrett uses his too causing Clouds breast, butt and thighs to continue to grow bigger and for him to grow taller and taller. Cloud getting annoyed and decides to cast it on all turning Barrett into Aeris and Cid into Yuffie. And since the playful imp still has reflect on they all get hit with it one more time making them all sexier. Barrett and Cloud loving the results keep casting it on each other until they all run out of MP. After that they all look over at the playful imp rolling on the floor laughing at them only to then have her reflect wear off at the same time. Cloud then uses the last of his MP to casts Mini on the Imp in spite and shrinks the playful imp even smaller than before. After she shrinks she looks up at the three gargantuan women as they all decide just what they should do it now.

2. Jedi Rescue Mission:

Two Jedi are on a mission to rescue a female Jedi who’s frozen in carbonite (dressed in Princess Leia bikini). After they rescue her they’re all trapped in a TG chamber, the female Jedi is transformed into a critter (porg/wookie/pig etc.) and the other two Jedi are transformed into twilek or/and any other humanoid species (ahsoka/Darth mauls race). And they end up in slave bikinis and captured by Jabba the Hutt.

3. A Dazzling Return:

A group of 3 young men is in an old store where were once sold antiques and such. As they are looking around, the youngest of them, an curious happy guy, finds an red gem and takes it. As he does so the Gem is glowing and the light covers him. The other two Guys coming to him, only to be covered by the light as well and two familiar gems appearing by them. They get transformed into the Dazzlings and also their minds are altered as well. After the transformation is done they leave the store and seeing a Poster for an concert. they decide to join.

4. Party Babes  

Dude have a party at home. After some time, they decided to have a dispute and one of the guys puts on women's clothing (and when he puts on any thing-this part of the body is transformed), after a few things, he understands what is happening, but this does not stop him and continues, after it is completed and decide that one woman will not be enough and take a boring guy from the crowd and against his will turn into a sexy girl. After all that has happened, our girls decide to entertain the crowd and put on different costumes as a maid and PlayBoy bunny . And everything ends with a flex.   

5. Imp-ersonal Q&A

A series in the style of a Q&A, where patrons can post to ask an imp gal anything! About their daily life, how they became an imp, how their "powers" work, any problems they run into day-to-day, their hobbies, etc... Each page would answer 1-2 questions in humorous fashion, with a special appearance from the person whose question was chosen! Certainly a lot of opportunity for transformations and the like, as each question can feature the person already as an imp, transformed into an imp, or possibly even turned into something else. Be careful what questions you ask!

6.  Midnight Bliss

Jon Talbain and Rikuo reach Dimitri Maxamoff's throne room to fight him, but Dimitri grabs them both by their necks and uses his Midnight Bliss move to turn them into their weak, female forms and make them incredibly horny. He then sarcastically bows to them, but forgets to turn off his technique, turning him into a horny female too, and the three girls then have a hot threesome.

7. The New Housewives

3 friends move into a loft of some sort and are greeted by their neighbour, a very bust woman who looks like and has the mannerisms of a 50's style housewife (beehive hairdo, apron over her poodle skirt).  She offers the trio brownies as a welcome to the neighbourhood present. While I would prefer one willing volunteer, their reactions to this can be decided by who wins. Polls can be posted to decide on hairdos and 50's style clothes/pattern. The ending is the same as the last post:  a zoom out reveals the entire neighbourhood is full of these housewives, implying none of them actually have husbands and just exist to change more people into housewives.  

8. The Tomb of Boobinus

A long time ago a mage obsessed with the female body and its charms went fully mad after the death of his beloved wife who was famous for her beauty. He buried her in the centre of a vast tomb filled with all kinds of traps and monsters magical and non magical ones but also all the riches he had a amassed during his very long life.  

Since that day many adventurers searched for the tomb, but only few ever found and entered it and even fewer left it. Yet none of them still fully sane. What those few where able to tell about their adventurer told about deadly traps, insane magic but also riches beyond believe including a powerful ancient relic deep inside the tomb. Sadly none could give any clear description of what it was and where to find it. Yet those few tales encouraged new adventurers including those of this story. In fact they are a duo a male fighter and his thief partner. They are seeking fame but are all in all quite good guys.

It tells about their way in and through the tomb that turns out to be quicker than they expected when they encounter a powerful monster. At one point of the battle the ground gives way and they all fall through the ground and due to the monsters weight and size crash through more than one ceiling. When the dust settles and they regain consciousness they are deep inside the tomb. There they encounter more than one live changing surprise, including the truth about the ancient relic, the mage and the tomb. According to the writings the warrior find on the walls of the room they end up in the mage had used the relic on himself to become a good or goddess. To his misfortune whatever magic was inside the relic not only caused his body to split into his usual but maddening self and a incredible beautiful woman who everybody thought to be his wife found him unworthy of its gift. It not only ripped him apart but also left his new female self powerless and suicidal stupid but also caused his male part to age rapidly and descent into madness.

Meanwhile the thief discovers the tombs greatest treasure in the remains of the chest crushed by the monsters bulk. He lifts it up and hearing a voice in his mind aims it at his or partner releasing its magic upon him. He transforms into a incredible woman with the powers of a goddess of beauty, joy and fertility. Powers she uses at her surprised but also delighted partner turning him into her godlike avatar, guard and lover. To be true the goddess who once made this relic respected men but favourited women as priest but also partner. She also has a weakness for inhuman beauties and shows it by turning her into a (cow cat horse or mouse girl ) and herself into another or similar one. Together they leave the tomb. What will they do now seek more adventurers or spread their goodly influence? 

9. Girl's Only Cupcakes:

A mysterious cupcake brand has shown up on store shelves that has a girls only label on it. The cupcake promises not only delicious cupcake, but turns someone into the ideal woman, whether or not they were a woman to begin with. While eating one or two a month has no effect on men, they are highly addictive to the point where eating half a dozen in one sitting is a strong possibility.  Each flavor has it's own quirks on top of turning you into an ideal woman.  Lemon makes you buff, peach gives you a peach shaped bottom, chocolate makes you more exotic... 

10.  Let Dreaming Demons Lie

Adventurers have sealed a dream demon plaguing the locals. While they sleep, she invades their dreams and plays on their desires for power, freedom, and peace of mind, reshaping them into her servants in the process.



Mikkel Mads Hansen

Why is the once I wanna see the most always the one with the less votes ? I just want to see some more,mlp tg


Guess not a lot of people are final fantasy fans

Ruyxi Sylpheyes

Woo, my suggestion is gonna win So far. Next month suggestion: Clone conundrum: A scientist is trying to clone herself to create her perfect lover(herself), only the experiment blows up in her face, but gives her the power to turn anyone she touches into a identical clone, keeping their memories, but gaining her personality and love for herself, with the ability to spread the transformation to others. While she herself doesn't want to spread the clone virus, other versions of her are not that unscrupulous. within hours the city turns into a mass of her clones, all making love with one another as the clone virus spreads across the globe.