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Heya guys and gals.

As most of you know, I take pride in being able to provide content for all my patrons on a daily basis no matter what tier you're on. However I'm afraid I'll have to leave today's comic page Sisterly Brother today. I've just been hit with a bombshell in the form of an eviction by my landlord and he wants me out asap as he's currently going through a divorce and needs his house back.

Naturally this has kinda put me in a bit of a weird head space right now so I feel I need a day just to process what's happening and to start looking for a new place to stay. It's a shame really as I had grown to love the place I was living and I even made the garden look all nice and sunk a fair bit of money into it hehe.

Anyway, really sorry to break this chain of daily uploads for today guys, I don't want to force out content and not be happy with what I give to you guys as you all deserve only the best for believing in me.

I'll keep you all updated if anything changes but I'll soon be having to move so when that does happen I'll let you all know just in case there's a content drought for a few days.

For the time being, uploading will resume as normal starting tomorrow, look out for the new streaming schedule very soon for next week!

Stay safe everyone. Thank you all for understanding <3 



Gog that sucks. Really hope things smooth out quickly for you.


I hope you find yourself settled in a nice place once again. All best of luck to you, and remember you’re very much appreciated.


you have rights... even with an eviction.... look up your laws in your local area for help! :)

Ray Dark

Awww!! Gives a big hug. Take care of yourself and for sure make sure you get things right in your life first.


That sux, man. take care of yourself &amp; best of luck finding a new place.


Really sucks about the house. I am just finishing up moving. You never relise how much actual junk you have until you go through every piece of it XD

Matthew Lynch

are surprise evictions even allowed during the lockdown? vYour landlord might be breaking the law. Like DarlingDolly said...check the local laws. You have rights.


A surprise eviction during lock down is pretty low. I'm sorry to hear that is happening to you. :(

Nikki Weihermuller

I'm pretty sure your landlord isn't allowed to just randomly kick you out without notice, I'm pretty sure that's illegal

Jacob Jones

Best of luck man hope things work out.