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Poll - New Interactive Friday Series

  • Option 1 44
  • Option 2 44
  • Option 3 118
  • Option 4 23
  • Option 5 17
  • 2020-01-31
  • —2020-02-04
  • 246 votes
{'title': 'Poll - New Interactive Friday Series', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1', 'votes': 44}, {'text': 'Option 2', 'votes': 44}, {'text': 'Option 3', 'votes': 118}, {'text': 'Option 4', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'Option 5', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 4, 9, 18, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 31, 14, 53, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 246}


Now that 'Queen's Game has come to an end, it's time for you lovely people to decide what should be the next big series for you all to enjoy.

I currently have a few suggestions so I will list them all down below and then based on the option, you vote below on what you'd like to see and then next week the series will commence!


Option 1 - Queen's Game 4:

Nice and simple, another Queen's Game series just like the previous one but with 5 new patrons and plenty of other new characters for them to turn into

Option 2 - Imp Inc:

Lana inc has some new competition with cheeky little imps starting their own little business where several patrons will take part in turning into a unique imp of their choice. The way they look ad how they transform is totally up to you guys.

Option 3 - TFSubmissions Alchemy Class

TFS might not know magic like Lana does but she knows how to brew a potion or two. Her classes will open up to several patrons willing to participate and they brew all sorts of concoctions that you guys will get to choose and suggest and based on what they drink, their final form will be different each time.

Option 4 - Bonus Series Day

Another simple one here. perhaps you enjoy the existing series and just want a chance to use Friday to have an extra page of the $3 patron series, $5 Lola Series and the $10 TG series. If this is the case, each week I'll make a poll asking what bonus page you'd like to see and then the winner each week will get an extra page drawn on that day

Option 5 - Patron Suggestion Bucket

Perhaps none of these are to your taste and you have a TG/TF series you'd like to pitch to me that could be the next big series. If this option wins then I'll ask for all your suggestions and then make a poll based on those suggestions for you guys to choose which you'd like to see!

I hope you guys enjoy the options I have for you here and I look forward to see what you guys would like to see next.

Have fun voting!



absolutely number 3, it would be great to you see you doing the transformations nat ^^ Hell i been suggesting it for a while xp